What do you do to cure when you feel mentally ill or depressed ?

Yet, the death rate fell once vaccines were introduced. If they could CAUSE disease, surely we would have WIDESPREAD evidence of that disease, no?

And, surely I would be sick after the 8 or 10 shots I've had? Yet, I've not been healthier than I have since 2019! Nor my other half.
Not necessarily. It's a complex situation. Like I wrote, it is unclear how much immune response they could've elicited towards something that we are grown to be tolerant to. And if they did to some extent, it could cause a very widespread but low grade deterioration that's very nonspecific and may even be compensated for until deleterious effects accumulate past a threshold, who knows. There certainly have been reported a significant number of suspicious adverse reactions, as far as I remember.

Chances are everyone's okay, albeit not as protected from the virus. This still at least begs the question of wasting resources on vaccines that are not properly designed/tested, misleading the public, and why this is allowed to occur.
I'm turning back. There is such a thing as "repentance", "confession".
Mental disorders can be cured with this too.
Repentance is an understanding of the wrongness of one's actions.
Repentance is not just understanding, but also turning to God for healing from a spiritual illness and a willingness to do everything not to repeat one's sin. Repentance is a diagnosis. Repentance is a cure. I cured some of my problems myself. That's all. P.S. My weak English does not convey the nuances of religious words. Therefore, it can be read as a pun. In your dictionary, there is no word "repentance" (ПОКАЯНИЕ) in another meaning...
sociology (which itself would be considered a derivative of philosophy)

No, it is not. Never!

Now, concerning the arts. That is an english thing.

No, it is not. Never heard about the 7 liberal arts? Have you ever search the word 'ars / artis' in a latin dictionary?

philosophy is considered an art

No, it is not. It is a science. Perhaps the oldest science.

I find so confuse what you write ....
It happened to me once. I begun to learn again to play guitar after more than 20 years without playing. From day one, I was singing at the same time than playing, which I never done before. I begun with easy reprisals and it took me 2 weeks to make a song repertory adding several songs a day. I took my guitar and went singing in the streets almost every single day. A few months later, I was in a much better mood.

At the beginning, my playing was really punk, but now with regular practice, I can even make jam sessions with jazz musicians. I understand the jazz theory, but I prefer the rhythm & blues approach and to use my feeling to add the complications. Now I have a song repertory that includes reprisals, French adaptations of English songs and one Swedish song, and original songs, mostly in French, but also a few ones in English and Spanish.
I also think that, in our society, to not be depressed at least a little is not normal. Singing and playing is a good cure for me, especially in the streets or on a stage. That because the concentration is very different between regular practice at home, which require a lot of concentration and, for the mind to not be exhausted, a lot of small sessions of around 10 minutes with short pauses in between, and playing for an audience, which require long sessions, which imply to let the feelings get the lead. That to say that, when playing in public, I can express my feelings in an extroverted way which makes me to really feel good.

Another really good activity is theater, because we make a huge work on the feelings and their expression, that in all their scale, form 0 to 10 on a 10 scale. Especially for children and for every one that don't have a good self-confidence, I would recommend to seriously do some form of theater.
You just wait till Elon Musk tells you there's nothing stopping anyone from inserting neuroimplants into craniums of humans worldwide, without anyone's consent. It's already been demonstrated that you can read human's verbal inner thoughts in public research, add to it ChatGPT simulating your own voice and thought process, and you will have not just schizophrenia but a full-blown AI-controlled, "machines have taken over", matrix type of scenario, with the mainframe somewhere cozy and out of reach (on Mars soon?) :D
The singularity: Prove that you are a robot.
Also, my main addiction is computing, and for it to not be an addiction, I do something very simple. Each time I stand up to get a drink, a pee or whatever, before sitting down again in front of my screen, I do something else. I clean something, make a good meal, some administrative work, and so on, whatever feel right or I have to do at that time.
Bad mood/feeling down != depressed. A lot of you don't seem to understand the difference.

Feeling depressed is not the same as diagnosed depressed.

When you are depressed you don't have even the perception on what is going inside you, but other people do like your relatives.
Quick note on science + the Covid mention:

I disliked the approach we had in Swedish media that to convince people to follow the vaccine program governmental papers started
to post scientific claims that were false - the most circulating was: "Your natural antibodies don't help against Covid", ergo you must vaccinate.

It's a fine example for when something gets the science label and is used as a method to control or influence, but boy, that have we seen with everything from cigarettes to 0 fat diets over the ages lol. Someone mentioned the construction of said vaccines, I didn't comply with the program because I disliked the fact that we were testing virtual vaccines for the first time instead of traditional ones: has a weakened part of the virus in it to stimulate the bodies own fabrication of antibodies.

It's all good for science but for guinea pig testing I rebuke. Since I wanted the protection I come up with the conclusion that since I am still young and in good shape, and the virus wasn't at the harvest rates of Black Plague I safely decided to get it, get my antibodies and then I could be safe.

Had it once and could then continue with my life as usual. Worked splendid.

Working with data and noticing what the Department of Citizens Health now recruits for open jobs I got the understanding that all these vaccine reports that were done in many countries (I worked in both Sweden and Greece during this) have a big chunk of data to go through, I bet there is some behavioral group studies also over the whole run.

Covid was a horror not for the disease but for the enforced governmental control over the individuals, both my dad and a close friend went and vaccinated against their will since they didn't stand the peer pressure and exclusion from public places and the threats of fines.

But hey, 1984 is a classic. Anything for the party.
I don't know, I just read research in Nature that basically indicates that all Covid vaccines that used viral spike protein as an immunogen (most of them, I think) have zero efficacy by default and would actually hurt humans if immune response was mounted to the spike protein.

The research states that Covid's spike protein binds to fibrin. Fibrin is our self-protein and anything that binds it normally (quite a few things) is also a self-protein. We grow immune tolerance to self-proteins because, well, we don't want our system to attack our own body and its components. The research states that, turns out, the viral spike protein mimics all or many of those things that bind to fibrin that our immune system cannot attack because those are self-proteins. Trying to elicit immune response to the spike protein (and thus to all of the normal fibrin binding 'ligands') would, in fact, create autoimmune disease (your own body learning to attack its own parts that our immune system is normally tolerant to).

I'm currently lacking proper staff to suitably evaluate this, although I would like to.

But, when one lives in a 500 people village, one can quite easily keep track about who is sitting together with whom. And the outcome is: all infected people had been in close contact with vaccinated persons before.

And this wasn't even contradicted in media. Media always stressed that vaccinated and non-vaccinated people both can get infected (so the circulating statement that only vaccinated persons can get infected is bogus), but they never denied that you can only get infected from vaccinated persons.

And there you have it. Covid vaccines have zero efficacy. And can cause disease. Literally, September 2024 published research in the top research publication, probably submitted to the journal 10-12 months ago.

That is basically what our family doctors told us. Only they phrased it somehow differently: they stressed that we must get vaccinated because that would reduce our risk of illness by one half.
Now I did regularly get vaccinations because I travelled a lot in tropical areas, and these vaccinations (Hepatitis, Tetanus, etc.) reduce the risk of illness either absolutely (100%) or by 95-98%. Because that is how vaccinations work.

Reducing the risk of illness by one half is almost irrelevant - and it is entirely irrelevant to me if my risk for something is 0.042 or 0.021. It does however make a significant difference for the farmer if 4% or only 2% of their cattle would die.
End of story, all questions answered.
No, it is not. Never!

No, it is not. Never heard about the 7 liberal arts?
Okay, then enlighten us!

Have you ever search the word 'ars / artis' in a latin dictionary?
It translates to everything from handicraft to science, and a few more including the "artificial" notion.
So if you have a clue how to sort this out, then please write and explain.

I find so confuse what you write ....
Apparently you have a plan how it shoud get sorted.
I guess that depends on whether you are religious, or not; they're just "gone" (dead).
So You're saying that people in the US were dying from Covid? That's indeed news to me, and an interesting way of putting the blame. In Europe the stance in the media always was "from or with", like one would say, "a hundred people died from or with hairloss" - because simply they had nobody who actually died from Covid.

Since my youth, the average life expectancy has increased by almost ten years! - and everybody agrees that this does not come from a sudden change in human genes to provide more longevity, but simply because people are being kept artificially alive. Obviousely there are limits to that.
And this is certainly more of an issue in the U.S., as we know that U.S. citizens in general tend to live a rather unhealthy life that tends to impair their immune reactions - e.g. alcohol abuse, pharma abuse, obesity, air conditioning, junk food, etc.etc.
The psycho does not solve anything. You can solve your mental problems going to the psycho and maybe even to the
psychiatrist. (I don't know how it works in the USA,but here in Italy,psychologists cannot prescribe pills).
The job you have to do is in tandem (AKA folie à deux (French for 'madness of two').

Even today I wonder why if you break a bone you go to the doctor, but if you break a cog in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself. For sure here I'm not talking about "transient mental crises".
I may be late to this conversation, but I'd like to share an observation that for some people, an OS switch is a total mindbreaking experience - like "Windows should have something that unix already has - it's emotional and mental abuse if you make me use Windows!". It works the same way in reverse: "Unix is missing something that Windows does easily! Don't make me use unix!"
OS switch is a total mindbreaking experience

If you move from a Windows/Mac/Unix shop to a Mac/Unix/Windows shop, you don't really have a choice, do you? (your choice is to not accept the job offer). If you complain that you can't adapt, you are obviously inferior to the folks who HAVE adapted (so, we shouldn't have hired you).

There's a school district, here, that is entirely Mac based. Others are Windows. Imagine the poor child whose family moves from one district to the other! My god, he'll NEVER be able to learn! (really? if he can't learn how to use a different set of tools, how will he ever be able to learn algebra, chemistry, physics, english lit, history, etc.)
I may be late to this conversation, but I'd like to share an observation that for some people, an OS switch is a total mindbreaking experience - like "Windows should have something that unix already has - it's emotional and mental abuse if you make me use Windows!". It works the same way in reverse: "Unix is missing something that Windows does easily! Don't make me use unix!"
From a different side, there is an immense stack of abstractions involved. An example: somebody who is not experienced with a GUI has no means to recognize which part of the browser window is local and which part is remote.
Or watch somebody (who hasn't done it before) try to understand the process and buy a train ticket from a machine.

I am wondering what does this do to our brains - it is certainly not what the brain did deveop to do. It is something new and different and introduced in a very short time (in evolution scale). But I might assume that these lots of leaning/training/conditioning steps are what then makes it unconvenient to switch to a different system.
What do you do to cure when you feel mentally ill or depressed ?
Drink ! Sometimes LSD,Mushrooms,Weed and gaming and also ayahuasca
Ok, im a bit of a hardcore!
I work very mentally challenged work so once in 3 months i get drunk to re-set myself, almost daily i go for 1h walk ( usually to buy cigarettes ) - i live around 45-60min walk from the beaches and once in a while i take a trip there just to breath in fresh air.
I know correct breathing can help you out a lot, healthy food ( i mean what is healthy now ? ) , exercise is good way - any exercise ( push up, pull ups, squats, jog, even walk or pumping iron, yoga , cycling , cardio ( rope jumping is a good way to start ) etc ) ... gaming is also good plus gaming helps your brain and you can brainstorm.
basically for me is something to do so i can forget im depressed but i do not recommend smoke weed when you depressed it will make depression worst.
Good night of sleep !!!
Try be hydrated but not with coffee, tea etc but water ... coffee makes you de-hydrated but amount of liquid in a coffee cup hydrates you - go figure ... ( i read it somewhere ).
I think its about at least 2 liters of water per day.
You sit a lot ? Get rising desk so you could stand - p.s. sometimes when you stand at your desk you tend to move a bit , walk around the room - its good !
Ok so for short - women, drugs and rock & roll with a lot of water and sleep looool....
An example: somebody who is not experienced with a GUI has no means to recognize which part of the browser window is local and which part is remote.
Or watch somebody (who hasn't done it before) try to understand the process and buy a train ticket from a machine.
Sorry, but your examples do have very easy-to-provide counterexamples:

there's www/lynx, a browser w/o a GUI. Which part of the browser is remote? what if I'm using Lynx in an SSH terminal? I still have no clue about local/remote parts of a browser, especially considering that a browser merely fetches stuff over HTTP to local machine and then displays it.

Buying a train ticket from a vending machine is not that different from buying a train ticket from a live cashier. I'd know, I bought tickets in both manners. A well-trained human makes the purchase easy. I've had my share of difficulties with both methods - rude/stubborn/undertrained people, AND vending machines breaking down.
There's a school district, here, that is entirely Mac based. Others are Windows. Imagine the poor child whose family moves from one district to the other! My god, he'll NEVER be able to learn! (really? if he can't learn how to use a different set of tools, how will he ever be able to learn algebra, chemistry, physics, english lit, history, etc.)
Even with the sarcasm, kids are more adaptable than you'd think. When I was in 3rd through 6th grades, my school district had Apple computers that booted off 5.25" floppy disks and had text-based, green terminals and ASCII art to simulate a simple GUI. I learned to play games on that. Essays, however, were typed out on IBM PCs that had Word Perfect 3.11 - not something that was available at the school, but I was lucky enough to be able to use a machine at home that was provided by a local university for early WFH for my family in the '90s. Point is, I adapted pretty good. 😤
exercise is good way - any exercise ( push up, pull ups, squats, jog, even walk or pumping iron, yoga , cycling , cardio ( rope jumping is a good way to start ) etc
Exercise is a great way to "clear" the mind -- of <whatever>. I walk the neighborhood, daily (a couple of miles) and use the time to orgainize my thoughts on current designs. No note taking. No effort to REMEMBER what I've decided. Just the time spent sorting through the details THAT I CAN REMEMBER is enough to have a clean, fresh start when I return home. (nice long showers also work; swimming, OTOH, does not)

It also gives me a chance to bump into neighbors (and their dogs) to chat "face to face" (being of a generation where such interaction is hugely preferred to SMS, email, etc.) and be distracted by the issues that are on THEIR minds!
I'm currently lacking proper staff to suitably evaluate this, although I would like to.

But, when one lives in a 500 people village, one can quite easily keep track about who is sitting together with whom. And the outcome is: all infected people had been in close contact with vaccinated persons before.

And this wasn't even contradicted in media. Media always stressed that vaccinated and non-vaccinated people both can get infected (so the circulating statement that only vaccinated persons can get infected is bogus), but they never denied that you can only get infected from vaccinated persons.

That is basically what our family doctors told us. Only they phrased it somehow differently: they stressed that we must get vaccinated because that would reduce our risk of illness by one half.
Now I did regularly get vaccinations because I travelled a lot in tropical areas, and these vaccinations (Hepatitis, Tetanus, etc.) reduce the risk of illness either absolutely (100%) or by 95-98%. Because that is how vaccinations work.

Reducing the risk of illness by one half is almost irrelevant - and it is entirely irrelevant to me if my risk for something is 0.042 or 0.021. It does however make a significant difference for the farmer if 4% or only 2% of their cattle would die.
End of story, all questions answered.
There's no medicine. They ALL have a critical conflict of interest right now - they benefit from having as many people sick as possible. Ain't nobody got time for Hippocratic Oath, it don't pay the bills.

What medicine should be is:

Pay medical professionals by how many people are healthy. 100% people in your district are healthy, you get 100% of your salary. 10% got sick - you get 90% of your salary, and so on. Of course, this would need very clever oversight so that they don't just say, "Ah, everyone's healthy." But it's kind of hard to prove someone is healthy when they have symptoms that can be documented reliably.

If this is properly implemented, it could make a world of difference. Right now, it's the other way around, health is disincentivized! "Oh, we have so many patients, we need more doctors!" Or "You have 10000 diseases, here are 100000 medications, you have 1 month to live."
And get permanent mentally damaged? It is the worst advice.
How did you came up with this ?
I forgot to mention Salvia divinorum .. lol.
Have you ever heard of micro-dosing ? Specially micro-dosing with mushrooms ?
Its all about human body/brain and not the drugs or alcohol as for some reasons i dont have permanent mental damage.
P.s. ayahuasca , mushrooms, salvia are natural , home grown ( i mean mother earth ). Psichodelics does not mean bad.