And that's called science? I figured that out by myself, when I got annoyed by my phobia.
This one is treated in practically any martial arts or self development school throughout the millennia.
Which gets me to the point: you might wonder why people did scientific study of nature back in ancient Greece or China, but never bothered to study the most at-hand phenomenon, i.e. the mind - all until about 1900 C.E.
Critical thinking should lead to the point that something must be wrong with that. One might then simply assume that in previous centuries people happened to just help each other and therefore didn't need a shrink. That might be plausible, but then one would need to ask if the way we live in our society is indeed wise...
Then, there is something more - there is philosophy. Philosophy, as in old Greece, had the main focus in specfying the personal qualities required of a leader or statesman. (Looking at the politicians of today, it seems we could still use such a science.)
But the actual jackpot here are certain specialized schools for the mind, which have existed since long ago, some as elite schools of martial arts, some as secret orders. A science of the mind did always exist, and it was usually far ahead of what psychology today happens to know, but it was kind of, well, classified.
I think that you are perfectly on point in your reasoning and I follow and can agree.
To answer if it is called science or not I believe the term science stem from things that can be tested and measured/perceived for result, e.g. patient studies of treatment.
Even if it may be obvious for some individuals to puzzle things together (it's often said that they perform well or function high in cognitive),
Psychology as phenomenon/science exists as seen that some or few people actually can manage to treat themselves for mental illnesses.
I like the look back on ancient Greece and China since it is reported a lot of scientific knowledge and practices, for modern use and societal influence.
If I am to guess why they may have not needed a shrink can be due to different culture standards, different societal forms and norms,
different food - in short different affect on our Biology. Say that a schizophrenic person or autistic person could be treated differently
depending on what the cultural norms and societal factors decided. I bet they would experience a lot of challenges also historically and
have a harder time to adjust and find their roles.
Also, as a fun thing, there are also norms in the fields of science that change accordingly after what is seen as "the correct way":
We had flat earth,
we had lobotomy,
we had improper first aid methods for when kids choked on food,
first infants should rest on stomach (whoever weird influential practitioner found this appropriate with scientific backup),
secondly changed to infants should rest on back
Perhaps that may be you argument that a lot of modern science can stop being called science due
to these weird outcomes that can be felt as misperception/misconception to things.
However, even if infants in Ancient Greek rest on their backs - if there was documented medical tests on this
they are evidently missing since we had to redo it all again.
And I guess, that is why it's still science, even if it has to be redone, retested and rewritten with all kinds of inhuman practices and efforts there are ...