
  1. fossette

    A tool to create a custom FreeBSD Package Repository for OFFLINE USE

    As some may know, I really hate having to deal with updates when I have other stuff to take care of. It's especially frustrating since I'm pretty much isolated from threats from the net, and I have decent backups to recover from if need be. Thanks to this article...
  2. vermaden

    HOWTO: Less Known pkg(8) Features

    I would like to share an article about FreeBSD pkg(8) package manager. Less Known pkg(8) Features #freebsd #pkg #beadm #update #upgrade #sqlite
  3. bertalanp99

    Package magically gone (qutebrowser)

    Hello everyone! I have run into a strange little problem today. I have previously been using www/qutebrowser on my computer. I used it just yesterday. When I came home today and booted my system, it was magically gone. Perhaps I am just retarded and uninstalled it, so I tried installing, but...
  4. NapoleonWils0n

    Solved Building Blender port with video editor enabled

    Hi All Although Blender is mainly used as a 3D creation suite it also has probably the best video editor available on linux or unix, and the closest thing i have found to final cut pro Unfortunately the video editor isnt enabled in the blender pkg, im not sure if its a licensing issue that...
  5. alx82

    pkg keeps reinstalling already autoremoved packages

    I have a poudriere repository that I use to build firefox, cmus, scilab and few other packages. Now, I have some packages that I don't longer need, and no other installed packages depend on them. sudo pkg autoremove Installed packages to be REMOVED: ORBit2-2.14.19_2 lapack-3.5.0_5...
  6. GregTheHun

    Solved Newer packages not able to be installed

    Hello all, Just looking through and trying to install a newer package I saw in the ports section of the site and I noticed this: What it appears to be is after doing this: pkg clean -a pkg update -f I cannot seem to install the newest version of elasticsearch and it does not want to update...
  7. K

    How to install pkg offline?

    Hello! This is my first time trying out FreeBSD on bare metal, as I want to use it as my main system (My second Hard Drive has Windows on it, for Games) and I do not have internet after the installation as I need to install this handy little software to get my phone to connect to my computer. I...
  8. dave

    pkg update does nothing with PHP56

    I read in UPDATING that the default version of php has bumped from 5.6 to 7.1. I would like to stay with the php56 version for now. I tried to put this in /etc/make.conf and it seems to have no effect on pkg either way: DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= php=5.6 But... $ sudo pkg update && pkg version -vRL=...
  9. A

    pkg error

    I installed FreeBSD on VM and I would like setup and configure OpenVPN but I have problem and I tired from it. pkg update ###/usr/local/lib/ "undefined symbol openat" I try with the following command but still not working. 1- cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg 2- make clean deinstall...
  10. S

    Deterministic Software Install/Maintenance Method

    All, Over the past few years have spent a significant amount of time (seemingly endless) on port/package maintenance tasks. It seems that we should be able to: 100%: Use pkg for any/all installs and maintenance tasks (if no custom config options are required) -or- 100%: Use ports for any/all...
  11. I

    Is FreeBSD "pkg" command pointing to latest repository?

    I'm trying to install the current latest version of JDK 8. When I searched on "", I found JDK 8 update 181. And, looking into the "Age" of the files, it was updated only 3 days ago. However, when I search from within FreeBSD using pkg search, I could...
  12. B

    Is there a reference documentation for the quarterly package schedule

    Hi all, I have maintained my FreeBSD systems for quite some time on 'latest' and would expect a Wednesday weekly release for updated packages. Is there a documentation showing the schedule of the quarterly package release cycle? I am interested in the cut off dates for new packages to be...
  13. B

    Troubleshooting Shared libs required for third party package

    Hi all, I am trying to understand how to troubleshoot an issue I have with a third party package in a jail. In short, I have two jails, emby and emby2, both setup on 11.2-RELEASE and created using iocage on zfs dataset. In the emby jail, I have the third party emby-server package installed...
  14. H

    Is it possible to get the ports tree that pkg uses to build binaries, as opposed to the current ports tree?

    I do hope this questions hasn't been asked before, but I've seen no indication that is has. Here is my dilemma: I have two packages (google-authenticator and nginx) where I literally need to change only 5 lines of code in the source before compiling. Otherwise, binary packages work very well...
  15. meine

    'pkg check -qsa' running for 37h -- why, and can I stop it?

    Hi, /usr/local/sbin/pkg check -qsa is running for 37 hours and using up to 99% of my CPU. The command is somehow triggered by root, but not by my (rooted) hand. Following the man pkg this is a check on (all?) software aboard my FreeBSD 11.1 box. My disk is only 19G used, including 3.7G home...
  16. alx82

    Solved Creating a package from source

    I have a project source for which I want to create a binary pkg package. The projects uses autoconf so it can be compiled/installed with ./configure, make, make install. For this project, I would create a pkg package such a way I can install its files, then remove them later, like a normal...
  17. B

    Cannot mix incompatible libraries

    Hello whoever is reading this. I have been stuck in the know what I mean. I have a problem with VirtualBox. NO matter of the procedure that I make for install this program, will be pkg, using ports, whatever. When it finish its installation, and I try to run this program, ALWAYS I get...
  18. B

    Pkg vs Ports

    Which is the best way of install something here, in your thoughts? If you want, you can explain why do you think what you think. You can like pkg You can like Or simply don't have one of your preference and use both or none. Feel free of expound your thoughts and...
  19. L

    Convert from ports to packages

    pkg upgrade will reinstall unlocked ports as packages, and then presumably those packages can be managed (updated) through pkg. However, after upgrading all but a couple of ports to packages, portmaster dies during portmaster -aR. I also get the impression that dependency ports aren't converted...
  20. plewto

    Newbi question regarding pkg command.

    Hi, I am a long time Linux user trying TrueOs for the first time. As this is a new install I am using pkg a lot to get familiar applications in place. The problem is every time I run pkg it first updates the repository catalog which takes several minutes (up to 10) . This happens even though...