
  1. T

    Solved how do you tell pkg upgrade to do "all installed packages" with ansible?

    I would like to use ansible also to upgrade all installed packages on a host. Checking ansible's documentation for pkgng, it looks easy enough, so I created this little playbook: tingo@kg-core2$ cat fbsd-pkg-upgrade.yml # upgrade all installed packages - hosts: all roles: - fbsd-upgrade...
  2. G

    pkg update; Operation timed out; dnsmasq

    I have a similiar behavior like mentioned in an older post. Whenever I try to run pkg update I receive a timeout: Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... pkg: Operation timed out...
  3. N

    Manually Bootstrapping pkg(8) - Missing Packages

    Hi. My first post here and a FreeBSD user since 3.0. I've had to install FreeBSD at a location without Internet access. I manually bootstrapped pkg then updated the repository, all went fine. While at the office (where there is Internet), while I was burning the ISO, I was browsing through the...
  4. JozanOfAstora

    Solved pkg-static: Unable to drop privileges

    Hi, after upgrading from FreeBSD 12.2 to 12.2-p2 from source, I messed up the mergemaster -Ui part, removing my user and all users created by ports installation like avahi, dbus, hal, polkit, etc. Since those are needed for a lot of stuff like running a window manager I'm stuck with the tty for...
  5. X

    Unable to install Firefox on Raspberry Pi 3

    Hi, I installed FreeBSD 12.2-Release image for the Raspberry Pi 3 and I was able to get most things up and running smoothly (pkg, sudo, xorg). However, when I try to install firefox with pkg install firefox, it gives me this message: Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository...
  6. scotia

    portmaster not finding package where pkg install does

    Hi, I'm wading through the molasses that is a FreeBSD upgrade. I want to use packages where available, however where pkg finds packages, portmaster does not: # portmaster -bdgy -PP devel/cmake ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/devel/cmake ===>>> Gathering dependency list for devel/cmake...
  7. Abraham79

    Randomly unable to update pkg repository in FreeBSD 12.2 - not found

    Since few days, pkg repository fails to update, at random. Most of the times, it works; Sometimes not. Location is India. ~% doas pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... pkg: Not Found repository FreeBSD has no meta...
  8. dch

    Solved pkg(8) and fetch(1) errors with let's encrypt certs after 12.2-RELEASE

    This caused me a fair bit of grief last week, so hopefully this saves somebody else some. The issue is that after running freebsd-update on an existing system, to get to 12.2-RELEASE, that running pkg (or any fetch-related command), errors similar to the following turn up: Certificate...
  9. tommiie

    pkg upgrade itself automatically

    I want to configure my FreeBSD virtual machine with Ansible but run into the following issue: >vagrant provision ==> white: Running provisioner: ansible_local... white: Installing Ansible... The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the...
  10. byrnejb

    No perl

    Today, on FreeBSd-12.1p10, I ran a script that has been working on FreeBSD for years and got this result: env: perl: No such file or directory. Which is, to put it mildly, bizarre. So I checked for perl: which perl | echo $? ==> 1. So, no perl installed. So I checked that: pkg info -x...
  11. Abraham79

    Solved GDM crashing after Gnome-3 packages upgraded to 3.36 version. I get a screen "Oh no! Something has gone wrong"

    This is a clean installation of 12.1 RELEASE version. I updated pkg and latest Gnome-3 packages including gnome-shell were downloaded and installed. Some packages were re-installed, after pkg prompting to do so. But, the gdm screen ends with this white error message. What I did was, clearing...
  12. D

    Can't bootstrapping pkg

    So, I have virtual machine with FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE-p10 on ESXi 7. When I try to install pkg I get this: root@srv-freebsd:/home/user # pkg The package management tool is not yet installed on your system. Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y...
  13. A

    What is proper method to create a local mirror of pkg package repositories now that returns 401 when attempting to sync

    Hi Freebsd Forum community, We run a large installation of Freebsd 11 and 12 servers that have historically utilized a local FreeBSD package repository mirror on-premise that we sync periodically. The method we have been using for years -- since the official repositories were poisoned a few...
  14. Sosowski

    Minimizing xorg-server install size

    Hi! I'm trying to revive an old Asus EEE PC using FreeBSD 12.1 install and so far everything works out of the box and I'm having a lot of fun configuring and setting stuff up! One of the things I'm facing is fitting everything onto a 4GB storage. I've seen a topic about minimal xorg install but...
  15. V

    pkgng archives for EOL releases (8,9) not being provided?

    For some personal interest reasons, I attempted to install FreeBSD 8 in a VM. When I try to pkg update it, it says is 404ed. homepage listed versions 8 and 9, but all mirrors of them give me a 404. And
  16. A - nginx 403 forbidden error

    Hello Everyone, I am trying to locate the latest version of "ntopng", via I can (successfully) access, via a web browser. However, as soon as I select a "server package set", I am presented with a "403 forbidden" message (from nginx). The other...
  17. T

    pkg repositories provided by the FreeBSD project needs to grow up (sigh)

    So I like having packages. But far too often I end up in situations like this: tingo@kg-core2$ openscad Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.14.2) with this library (5.15.0) Abort trap (core dumped) Fine, I'll just upgrade OpenSCAD then tingo@kg-core2$ sudo pkg update -f Updating FreeBSD...
  18. antranigv

    Solved Using Jail host as a cache server for pkg and freebsd-update

    Hi all! how are you? :) I have a Jail host which contains about 50 Jails. During day-to-day operations, I need to install packages, a lot of these packages are the same (nginx, vim-console, etc), it would be really good if I can make the Jail host a pkg cache server, where the Jails can use the...
  19. Dogers

    Solved Install all pkgs that contains *someting* in the name ...

    Greetings to everyone. I wish to know if there is a way to install all pkg that contains some String like for instance : "zh-" as a filter. I know that I can do that on Debian based linux distros with commands like that : sudo apt-get install zh-* = will install all packages starting with...
  20. TobiasW

    Solved Check for new packages via cron?

    Can you recommend a way to automatically check for new packages via cron? As a first step I added a daily pkg audit -q but this only lists vulnerable packages. pkg update does not what I want and pkg upgrade is one step too far. Is there maybe something similar to freebsd-update cron for packages?