The Jolitz family published 386BSD as a series in DR DOBBS JOURNAL. I started and stopped using it in 1994. Years afterward I learned how a ring buffer bug in the Adaptec AHA-1542B driver manifested itself when the system memory exceeded 4 MB - and my pricey PC had 8 MB at the time.
I subsequently segued to Slackware as a substitute for a few years. And even penned some LINUX JOURNAL articles. Up until a Linux release made my pricey Motif library worthless. Such waste made me return to BSD.
By the year 2000 FreeBSD became my primary OS after dithering between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD during the late 1990s. I've never looked back since.
I subsequently segued to Slackware as a substitute for a few years. And even penned some LINUX JOURNAL articles. Up until a Linux release made my pricey Motif library worthless. Such waste made me return to BSD.
By the year 2000 FreeBSD became my primary OS after dithering between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD during the late 1990s. I've never looked back since.