@Sensucht94 You should be ascended even to "Daemon" at least.
Too bad I'm really far from that, but neither am I interested in being one; anyway, this forum is populated by
many serious (and by serious I mean true professionals running a professional OS, as
drhowarddrfine once said) guys you'd struggle to find anywhere else, yet they're often prone to help complete newbies. As a consequence general replies' quality is really good.
ILUXA told you the solution to your question the other day (you should pay more attention), I'll quote his post:
% su root -c visudo
, then uncomment
Save changes and add your user to the
wheel group:
% su root -c 'pw groupmod wheel -m yourusername'
and relogin.
Voila, now you're able to use
sudo with your user

practically speaking, after having created a standard users and added him to the groups I mentioned above (
wheel as primary login group, then operator and video), following the handbook page i linked above (
3.3 Users and Basic Account Management), eventually install
security/sudo, which will also add the
visudo(8) special command, meant to safely edit
/usr/local/etc/sudoers, alias sudo's configuration file. Uncommenting (=removing the # 'hashtag' at the beginning of the line)
will result in your standard user, member of wheel group, being authorized to execute commands with elevated privileges by appending
before the command of choice and providing his password. If you don't want to be prompted for the password, rather uncomment the line
instead (don't uncomment both):
Now you can execute commands with root privileges appending sudo beforehand, but without beig asked for a password.
I hope you know how to edit a file in vi already. If you don't learn how on Web, it's easy and will prove useful next time. If you're in a hurry, rather install
security/doas, then type:
echo "permit nopass :wheel" > /usr/local/etc/doas.conf
Now, as standard user, member of wheel group, append
before commands to get root's privilege without being asked for a password.
choose either doas or sudo at your will, but make sure you study how the tools of choice works. Personally I use doas, so don't know much about sudo.
Best regards, I hope further threads will not be opened on the topic