Useful scripts

LeFroid said:
Heres a few simple scripts I wrote.

Heres a basic script to play any video in your ~/Videos dir
 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import sys
 import os

 # what to play the video with
 player = "vlc"
 # arguments, ex 'play "myvid.avi"'
 video = sys.argv[1]
 # home dir
 home = os.path.expanduser('~')

 # combine strings
 execStr = player+" "+home+"/Videos/"+video
 # run execStr

  1. Use exec family functions so the python script isn't looming in the background after your player has been executed and thus you don't get funky interactions with other applications in terms of signal handling, you don't have unnecessary overhead, etc.
  2. os.path.join is preferred over os.path.sep concatenation.
  3. You aren't properly error checking sys.argv to make sure that at least one argument has been specified.

[ -d "${DESTDIR}" -a -d "${SRCBASE}" ] || exit $?

export UNAME_s=$(uname -s)
export UNAME_m=${UNAME_m:-$(uname -m)}
export UNAME_p=${UNAME_p:-$(uname -p)}
REVISION=$(cd "${SRCBASE}/sys/conf" && grep REVISION= | cut -f2 -d'"')
BRANCH=$(cd "${SRCBASE}/sys/conf" && grep BRANCH= | head -n1 |  cut -f2 -d'"')
export OSVERSION=$(awk '/\#define.*__FreeBSD_version/ { print $3 }' "$SRCBASE/sys/sys/param.h")
export UNAME_v="$UNAME_s $UNAME_r #0: $(date -v1m -v+1y)	root@$HOSTNAME:$SRCBASE/sys/$UNAME_p/compile/GENERIC"

cp -L /etc/resolv.conf "$DESTDIR/etc/resolv.conf"
[ -c "$DESTDIR/dev/zero" ] || mount -t devfs dev "$DESTDIR/dev"



chroot "$d" /bin/sh

# XXX: exiting immediately and trying to unmount $DESTDIR/dev doesn't always work... hmmm...
sleep 10

umount -f "$DESTDIR/dev"

# A simple script for creating memory disks.
# Some of the logic was adapted from release/scripts/ -- e.g.
# make_usb (thanks kensmith@!)

TEN_MB_IN_1K=$((10 * 1024))

# Reporting functions. Nothing much to see here...
die() {
	echo >&2	"${0##*/}: ERROR: $*"
	exit 1
info() {
	echo	    "${0##*/}: INFO: $*"

# Usage
usage() {
	echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-f mtree-file] input-directory image"
	exit 1

# Clean up all consumed memory disks.
cleanup() {
	set +e
	trap : 0 1 2 15
	if [ "x${md_unit}" != x ]; then
		info "cleaning up memory disk"
		mdconfig -d -u ${md_unit}
	rm -f "${tempfile}"

# Create a complete USB image.
# 1 - Input directory.
# 2 - Output image (for USB stick).
make_usb() {

	# In order to use mdconfig(1) you should be root -- I realize this is
	# overly conservative, but I'd rather not make this too complicated...
	if [ "x$(id -ru)" != x0 ] ; then
		die "you must be root when executing make_usb"

	[ $# -eq 2 ] || usage

	[ -d "$1" ] || die "input directory - $1 - doesn't exist"

	set -e

	tempfile=$(mktemp /tmp/usb.XXXXXXXX)

	trap "[ \$? -ne 0 ] && rm -f '$output_image'; cleanup" 0 1 2 15


	#sed -e '/^vfs.root.mountfrom.*/d' -i "" "$in_dir/boot/loader.conf"
	#echo 'vfs.root.mountfrom="ufs:/dev/da0a"' >> "$in_dir/boot/loader.conf"

	#makefs -o -O,1,-b,4096,-f,512,-o,space${inode:+,-i,${inode}} -f 1% \

	# Don't want to append to the existing image; this is what happens by
	# default with mdconfig(1), because we used -t vnode.
	rm -f "$output_image"

	makefs_args="${tempfile} ${in_dir}"
	if [ "x$mtreefile" != x ]; then
		makefs_args="-x -F $mtreefile $makefs_args"
	makefs -f 1% $makefs_args

	# Calculate the needed file size for the mounted image.
	# The calculation is done as shown for the following reason (as verbatim
	# from: .../release/scripts/
	#    Use $BLOCKSIZE for transfers to improve efficiency.  When
	#    calculating how many blocks to transfer "+ 2" is to account for
	#    truncation in the division and to provide space for the label.
	block_count=$(( $(stat -f '%z' "$tempfile") / $TEN_MB_IN_1K + 2))

	# Create the backing file.
	dd if=/dev/zero of=$output_image bs=$TEN_MB_IN_1K count=$block_count

	# Create a new memory disk.
	md_unit=$(mdconfig -a -t vnode -f "$output_image")
	# Partition and label the sucker. Add appropriate bootloader bits to
	# the partition table and slices.
	fdisk -BIq /dev/${md_unit}
	bsdlabel -Bw /dev/${md_unit}
	# Sync the contents on the temporary file to the memory disk.
	dd "if=$tempfile" of=/dev/${md_unit}a bs=$TEN_MB_IN_1K conv=sync


# Parse available options and commands.


while getopts "f:" option; do
	case "$option" in
		if [ ! -f "$OPTARG" ] ; then
			die "mtree file specified - $OPTARG - doesn't exist or isn't a regular file!"

shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))

make_usb $@

/etc/rc for an automated install with a predefined payload (was using it for make_usb generated images before my project `changed direction'):
# A first-time boot rc script which goes in, labels the disks appropriate to
# the config files, newfs's the sucker, then mounts, unwraps the payload, and
# does a basic sanity check to ensure that the system is bootable and
# functional.

export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
export PKG_PATH=/packages

debug() {
	echo "${0##*/}: DEBUG: $@"

info() {
	echo "${0##*/}: INFO: $@"

# functions adlibbed from install/stage/etc/rc.

clear_swap() {
	# This always errors out when wiping the entire device; I don't care if
	# it does or not...
	info "Creating swap partition"
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$1s1b bs=1m 2>/dev/null || :
	swapon /dev/$1s1b

cleanup_mountpoints() {
	trap : 0 1 2 15
	set +e
	mounted_destdir=$(mount | awk '$3 != "/" && $3 !~ /^\/dev/ { print $1 }')
	until [ "x${mounted_destdir:-}" = x ]; do
		umount -f ${mounted_destdir}
		mounted_destdir=$(mount | awk '$3 != "/" && $3 !~ /^\/dev/ { print $1 }')
		sleep 1
	[ "x${md_unit}" != x ] && mdconfig -d -u ${md_unit}


# Do all `post-install' configuration actions, like generate /etc/fstab, etc.
# 1 - Disk
configure_system() {
	generate_fstab $1
	clear_swap $1

# Clear all of the data off of a disk.
# 1 - Disk
format_disk() {
	fdisk -BIq $1 2>/dev/null >/dev/null

# Generate /etc/fstab based on the filesystems mounted under ${DESTDIR}.
# 1 - Disk
generate_fstab() {



	echo "/dev/$1s1b none swap sw 0 0" > "${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab"

	for i in $(mount); do

		i=$(echo "$i" | sed -e 's# on##g' -e 's#(.*)$##g' -e 's#mnt/*##g')

		case "$i" in
			echo "$i ufs rw 1 1" >> "${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab"




# Is the disk real?
# 1 - Disk
isa_real_disk() {
	[ -c /dev/$1 ]

# Label a disk according to a seemingly logical scheme
label_disk() {

	disklabel -w -r -B /dev/${1}s1 auto

	tmp_label=$(mktemp /tmp/disklabel.XXXXXX)

	cat <<EOF > $tmp_label
a: 4G 16 4.2BSD 2048 16384
b: $(( $(sysctl -n hw.physmem) / 1024 / 1024 ))M *  swap
d: 4G *  4.2BSD 2048 16384
e: 8G *  4.2BSD 2048 16384
f: *  *  4.2BSD 8192 65536

	disklabel -R /dev/${1}s1 $tmp_label

	rm -f $tmp_label


mount_disk() {

	for i in 1a: 1d:usr 1e:var 1f:usr/home; do

		partition="/dev/${1}s$(echo "$i" | cut -d: -f1)"
		mountpoint="${DESTDIR}/$(echo "$i" | cut -d: -f2)"

		debug "Mounting ${partition} on $mountpoint"

		test -d "$mountpoint" || mkdir -p "$mountpoint"
		mount $partition "$mountpoint"



newfs_disk() {
	for i in /dev/${1}s1[adef]; do
		newfs -O2 -m 8 -o time $i >/dev/null

stage_install() {

	info "Installing base"

	# Copy over the contents of the media to $DESTDIR , skipping over a
	# select set of directories (but not /packages because pkg_add would
	# fold in on itself if it's not present based on the value of
	# getcwd(3), as pkg_add(1) -C chroots into $DESTDIR, and chroot(2)
	# does not actually modify the value of the current directory returned
	# by getcwd(3)).
	# XXX (garrcoop): 1. --exclude for tar(1) should work in this regard,
	# but it doesn't 100% in this case (for some reason). 2. -C for cpf
	# should work as well, but doesn't.
	(cd / ; tar -cpf - $(ls -d * | grep -E -v 'dist|mnt') | tar xpf - -C "$DESTDIR")

	# Override the USB copies of files with their dist/ bretheren.
	(cd /dist ; tar -cpf - . | tar xpf - -C "$DESTDIR")

	sed -e '/^vfs.root.mountfrom/d' -i "" "$DESTDIR/boot/loader.conf"

	if [ -d "$PKG_PATH" ] ; then

		info "Installing packages"

		mount -t devfs dev $DESTDIR/dev

		mountpoints="$DESTDIR/dev $mountpoints"

		# XXX (garrcoop): pkg_add(1) barfs with exit code 1 even when
		# -F and -f are specified; this needs to be fixed.
		(find "$PKG_PATH" -type f | xargs -n 4 pkg_add -C "$DESTDIR" -Ff || :) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null


		info "Packages installed"


	info "Install complete"


wipe_disk() {
	info "Wiping disk $1"
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$1 bs=1m count=1 2>/dev/null || :

set -e

md_unit=$(mdconfig -a -t malloc -s $(( 16 * 1024 * 1024 )) )
newfs /dev/$md_unit >/dev/null
mount -t ufs /dev/$md_unit /tmp
trap cleanup_mountpoints 0 1 2 15

# Wait for the devices to be detected.
while [ $i -lt 15 ] && ! isa_real_disk "$1" ; do
	# Avoid RAIDs, memory disks, and SCSI disks.
	set -- $(sysctl -n kern.disks | awk '{ for (i=1; i <= NF; i++) { if ($i !~ /ar|da|md|mf[0-9]+/) { disks = disks " " $i } } } END { print disks }')
	sleep 2
	: $(( i += 1 ))

if [ "x$1" = x ] ; then
	echo "${0##*/}: ERROR: didn't find a configurable harddisk."
	exit 1

	for step in wipe format label newfs mount; do
		debug "Calling ${step}_disk on $1"
		eval "${step}_disk $1"

	configure_system $1


	read -p "Remove the CD / USB media and press Enter to continue " j
	init 6


Certain hacks are in place for our specific environment, but you're free to use this in whatever way you deem appropriate.

All stuff here BSD licensed of course :P.
ckester said:
One of the first lessons I learned when I began my software career many years ago is to never add features that aren't in the spec -- at least, not unless you get the client's agreement and understanding that the project might be delayed or have additional bugs as a result.

Even if it's an in-house job.

My brother was fired from his job last year because of just this. He wrote what the person wanted, then expanded it to include cool features. By the time he was done adding stuff that he thought would be useful, it was so complex that the person it was for couldn't figure out how to use it. They went around 2-3 times, trying to get it to be what the person wanted, but he really didn't know what he wanted it to do and my brother was guessing based on varied and vague descriptions. (This didn't come out until much later.) It was an in-house job and because it didn't do what was wanted, the person had him fired. :( My brother has always ripped on me for spending time doing system requirements engineering and getting the document explaining what the system will do initialed on all but the simplest of projects; if he were to have done so, he would not have been fired IMO.

Sorry to go off-topic - this is an important concept for new coders to grasp. More and better isn't always better.
Yes. Making life easier is nice, but simplicity is always key; otherwise the added support and complexity is just unruly and a pain.
I just developed playlist randomization for my playd (in pure sh)

this function takes 1 argument (maximal value to return) and return random number 0 to $1
playd_rnd() {
# arg1 Max value
  a=$(dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/stdout bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | od -D -An)
  b=$(echo "$1 / 4294967296 * $a" | bc -l | sed 's/\..*$//')
  if [ "$b" ]; then
    echo $b
    echo 0

You should accomplish the same with that one-liner:
[CMD=""]% expr ${RANDOM} % 10 + 1[/CMD]

... where 10 is maximum, You may generalize that into:
[CMD=""]% expr ${RANDOM} % ${MAX} + 1[/CMD]
simple script to correct MySQL database tables

use DBI;

my $db_name = 'mysql';

# user from db
my $db_user = 'root';
my $db_pass = '';
my $db_type = 'mysql';
my $db_host = 'localhost';

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
    $db_user, $db_pass,
        RaiseError => 1,
        PrintError => 1
) || die $DBI::errstr;

my $sth = $dbh->prepare( 'select Db from db' );
my $loop_data;
push @{$loop_data}, $_ while $_ = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();


foreach my $ii ( @{$loop_data} ) {

    my $db_name = $ii->{Db};

    my $dbh = DBI->connect(


    my $loop_data2;

    eval {

        my $sth = $dbh->prepare('show tables');

        while ( my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {

            die "bad table name: $row[0]" unless $row[0] =~ /^[w_]+$/;
            push @{$loop_data2}, $row[0];



    next if ($@);

    foreach $_ ( @{$loop_data2} ) {
        $dbh->do( qq{REPAIR TABLE $_ } );


Another script for fixing all MYSQL tables in all databases (without shutdown):
# Written by Alt 2010. Beer-ware license xD


DBS=`echo 'show databases;' | /usr/local/bin/mysql -p$M_PASS -u$M_LOGIN | /usr/bin/grep -v Database | /usr/bin/grep -v information_schema | /usr/bin/xargs echo `
for DB in $DBS; do
    echo "DB $DB"
    TBLS=`echo 'show tables;' | /usr/local/bin/mysql -p$M_PASS -u$M_LOGIN $DB | /usr/bin/grep -v Tables | /usr/bin/xargs echo `
    for TBL in $TBLS; do
        echo -n "  Tbl $TBL .. "
        echo "repair table $TBL quick;" | /usr/local/bin/mysql -p$M_PASS -u$M_LOGIN $DB | /usr/bin/grep -v Msg_type
/usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -p$M_PASS -u$M_LOGIN flush-tables
i think from the beginning we should see whether the table is corrupted ...! (because for a long time ...)
... and then correct ...
but it is not essential ...
vermaden said:

You should accomplish the same with that one-liner:
[CMD=""]% expr ${RANDOM} % 10 + 1[/CMD]

... where 10 is maximum, You may generalize that into:
[CMD=""]% expr ${RANDOM} % ${MAX} + 1[/CMD]

uhhh, man.... and I had to invent new method just because I couldn't find anything how to get random number

I noticed, that your solution only generates random numbers up till 2^15 [at lest so it seams].
My solution [current implementation] can generate number up 2^32, and I don't see problems making even bigger numbers (just need to modify a bit)
vermaden said:
You should accomplish the same with that one-liner:
[CMD=""]% expr ${RANDOM} % 10 + 1[/CMD]
It will not work in sh(1). Use jot(1), e.g.
$ jot -r 1 0 $(((1 << (8 * [highlight]4[/highlight])) - 1))
where 4294967295 is max of 4 bytes of /dev/random

And the function can be reduced to
$ playd_rnd() { jot -r 1 0 $1; }
john_doe said:
It will not work in sh(1). Use jot(1), e.g.
$ jot -r 1 0 $(((1 << (8 * [highlight]4[/highlight])) - 1))
where 4294967295 is max of 4 bytes of /dev/random

And the function can be reduced to
$ playd_rnd() { jot -r 1 0 $1; }

I can't believe that this was in front of my nose all the time :D
Hello . I'm trying to write a graph er ! script ... and its not good to present .:d
How can i do that ?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# this can be temperature or something else 
# Total line number is 33 !

temp_array=( "" 32 31 31 30 29 28 28 35 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 48 45 44 43 42 40 39 36 )
# THE h line len=32 ! so i should get diffz between start and stop line ! (negatively)
	### "Y"
for ((l=1 ; l < $size ; l++ ));do
let "l2=l+$l"
	for ((t=1 ; t <= ${temp_array[$l]} ;t++));do
		let "temp=50-${temp_array[$l]}"
		echo -en "\033[${temp};"$l2"f\033[1;31m *\r \033[0;0m"
  		echo "${temp_array[$l]}"
echo	-e "\033[0;0m"
	### "X"
for ((k=1 ; k < 32 ; k++ ));do
 	echo -en "\033[32;$kf\033[32;"$k"d\033[1;31m |\033[0m"
Grab your photos from memory card to hard disk

I wrote this TCL script to copy photos from my memory card to my hard disk.

It copies only new pictures and, if the $GrabPhotos(enableresize) preference is set to 1, will call ImageMagick to create resized version (I found it's quicker to browse 1600x1200 and convenient to have 800x600 versions to send to your contacts).

# GrabPhotos.tcl -- Photo memory card helper
# Sébastien Santoro aka Dereckson <>

# # # # # # # # # # # # #
# General configuration #
# # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Where to copy the pics?
set GrabPhotos(targetdir) "~/docs/pics/albums"
# Where are the pics (e.g. your memory card location)?
set GrabPhotos(sourcedir) "/mount/flashmedia"

# On the memory card, where are the pics ?
# set GrabPhotos(picsdir) "" to disable DCIM-like directories lookup
set GrabPhotos(picsdir) DCIM

# If 1, work with any subdirectory from the source
set GrabPhotos(recursive) 1

# Prints an header with credits
set GrabPhotos(printcredits) 0

# verbose prints script action, debug extra details
set GrabPhotos(verbose) 1
set GrabPhotos(debug) 0

# When debug is 1, that also implies verbose to 1, discarding your verbose value
# To disable this behavior, comment the following line (putting a # in front of it) :
if $GrabPhotos(debug) {set GrabPhotos(verbose) 1}

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Specific configuration :: resize code #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

#This part is if you want to create resised versions with ImageMagick

set GrabPhotos(enableresize) 1
set GrabPhotos(resizeddir) "~/docs/pics/albums/_resized"
set GrabPhotos(sizes) "75x56 800x600 1600x1200"
set GrabPhotos(jpegquality) 80
set GrabPhotos(convert) "/usr/local/bin/convert"
set GrabPhotos(mogrify) "/usr/local/bin/mogrify"

# # # # # # # # # # # # #
# General configuration #
# # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Now, if you just want a copy or a resizing, it's operate as is. Just run it.
# The following code is fully customisable and commented to help you to
# adapt it for your needs.

# # # # # # # # # # # #
# File types handlers #
# # # # # # # # # # # #

# By default, this script handles .jpg files.
# You can add handlers, just creating a proc named handler_ext,
# where ext is the file lowercase extension.
# The file argument is the complete path to the file

# This handlers copy .jpg files to $GrabPhotos(targetdir)/YYYY/YYYY-MM folders
# and then create thumbnails version 

proc handler_jpg {file} {
    global GrabPhotos

    #Gets created time of the file, and then YYYY and MM values
    set ctime [get_created_time $file]
    set YYYY [clock format $ctime -format "%Y"]
    set MM [clock format $ctime -format "%m"]

    #Gets the target directory. Creates it if needed
    set targetdir "$GrabPhotos(targetdir)/$YYYY/$YYYY-$MM"
    if $GrabPhotos(debug) {puts "\nTarget: $targetdir"}
    create_directory $targetdir

    #Copies file if it doesn't exist
    copy_file $file $targetdir

    #Calls resize code if enabled
    if $GrabPhotos(enableresize) {resize $file "$YYYY/$YYYY-$MM"}

# # # # # # # # #
# Plugs in code #
# # # # # # # # #

proc resize {file subdir} {
    global GrabPhotos
    if $GrabPhotos(verbose) {puts "Generating resized version from $file"}
    foreach size $GrabPhotos(sizes) {
        set targetdir "$GrabPhotos(resizeddir)/$subdir/$size"
        create_directory $targetdir
        set targetfile "$targetdir/[get_filename $file]"
        if ![file exists $targetfile] {
            #copy_file $file $targetdir
            exec -- $GrabPhotos(convert) [file nativename $file] -resize $size -quality $GrabPhotos(jpegquality) [file nativename $targetfile]

# # # # # # # # # # #
# Helper procedures #
# # # # # # # # # # #

proc copy_file {file targetdir} {
    global GrabPhotos
    set fileExists [file exists "$targetdir/[get_filename $file]"]

    if $GrabPhotos(debug) {
        #DEBUG print
        puts -nonewline "Copying $file to $targetdir"
        if $fileExists {
            puts " \[skipped, already exists\]"
        } {
            file copy $file $targetdir
            puts " \[ok\]"
    } elseif !$fileExists {
        file copy $file $targetdir

proc create_directory {dir} {
    global GrabPhotos
    if ![file exists $dir] {
        if $GrabPhotos(verbose) {puts "Creating $dir"}
        file mkdir $dir

proc get_created_time {file} {
    file stat $file test
    return $test(ctime)

proc get_filename {file} {
    lindex [file split $file] end

proc parse {directory} {
    global GrabPhotos

    if $GrabPhotos(verbose) {puts "Parsing $directory"}

    #Get files in this directory
    foreach file [glob -nocomplain -directory $directory *] {

        #Another directory, parses it if recursive mode enabled
        if {[file isdirectory $file] && $GrabPhotos(recursive)} {
            parse $file
        } {
            #A regular file, gets the extension and check if we've an handler
            set ext [string tolower [string range [file extension $file] 1 end]]
            set handlerproc [info procs handler_$ext]
            if {$handlerproc != ""} {
                #An handler exists        
                if $GrabPhotos(debug) {puts "Calling $handlerproc $file"}
                $handlerproc $file
            } {
                #File unhandled by a proc
                if $GrabPhotos(verbose) {puts "Ignored file: $file"}


proc print_credits {} {
    puts "___________________________________________________________________"
    puts "GrabPhotos 0.1 :: the photo memory card helper"
    puts "___________________________________________________________________"


proc print_usage {} {
    puts "Usage: GrabPhotos <source>"

# # # # # # # # # #
# Procedural code #
# # # # # # # # # #
if {$argc == 0} {
    if {![info exists GrabPhotos(sourcedir)]} {
} {
    # Gets sourcedir from argument
    set GrabPhotos(sourcedir) [lindex $argv 0]

if {![file isdirectory $GrabPhotos(sourcedir)]} {
    puts stderr "Fatal error: $GrabPhotos(sourcedir) isn't a directory."

if $GrabPhotos(printcredits) {

# Go to $GrabPhotos(picsdir) (by default DCIM) directory, if it exists
# If not, we stay in current $GrabPhotos(sourcedir) (by default the script argument)
if [file isdirectory "$GrabPhotos(sourcedir)/$GrabPhotos(picsdir)"] {
    set GrabPhotos(sourcedir) "$GrabPhotos(sourcedir)/$GrabPhotos(picsdir)"

parse $GrabPhotos(sourcedir)
The version in shells/tcshrc is missing a few things, like tmux/screen terminfo:
set echo_style = 'both'
set title = '$USER@$HOST:ar $cwd'

switch ($TERM)
case {dtterm,rxvt,screen,xterm}*:
	alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "\e]2;'$title'\a"'
case sun*:
	alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "\e]l'$title'\e\\"'
case vt[24]20*:
	alias cwdcmd 'echo -n "\e]0;'$title'\a\e\\"'
	alias cwdcmd 'unalias cwdcmd'
	unset title

[Perl] example upload photos to a server with thumbnail previews

files are not uploaded to the server, php programmers could not solve this problem simply wanted to change hosting :)


#  @author     Dmitriy Shilenko <>
# ProFTP 

use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI;
use DBI;
use Image::Magick;

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);    # used only for tests
# use Data::Dumper;
# $CGI::POST_MAX = 100000000 # maximum file upload size for safety

my $form = new CGI;

# print $form->header; #Print HTML header. this is mandatory

my $p;
%{$p} = $form->Vars;

if (!$p || !%{$p}) {

    print $form->header( -charset => "utf8" );
    #print `pwd`;
    print 'This is perl, my name is Satan666 :)';


my @a = qw (cid date obj name fam phone age addr project edu more icq status b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 b16 b17 b18 b19 b20 b21 b22 b23 b24);

  @a = map { $p->{$_} || '' } @a;

# print Dumper \@a;
# exit;

my $db_name = '';
# user from db
my $db_user = '';
my $db_pass = '';
my $db_type = 'mysql';
my $db_host = 'localhost';

my $prefix = ''; #  prefix table...

my $web_home = "/home/files/";

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
    $db_user, $db_pass,
        RaiseError => 1,
        PrintError => 1
) || die $DBI::errstr;

	$dbh->do('INSERT INTO '.$prefix.'_base (cid,date,obj,name,fam,phone,age,addr,project,edu,more,icq,status,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13,b14,b15,b16,b17,b18,b19,b20,b21,b22,b23,b24) 
	VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
	', undef, @a );

my $id_db = $dbh->{mysql_insertid};

 my $hash;

my @hash;

# 1..8 foto's
for (0..8) {

 my $key = "foto".($_ == 0 ? "" : $_);
 my $id_file = $_ == 0 ? 1 : ($_+1);

 if ( my $UPLOAD_FH = $form->param($key) ) {
  uploadfile($UPLOAD_FH,$id_db, $id_file );  
  $hash->{$key} = '/file/'.$id_db.'_'.$id_file.'.jpg';


# print Dumper $hash;

$dbh->do('UPDATE '.$prefix.'_base SET '.( join ", ", map { $_ .' = ? ' } keys %$hash ).' WHERE id='.$id_db.' LIMIT 1', undef, values %$hash ) if ($hash && %$hash);

##this is the only way to send msg back to the client

## print "<script>parent.callback('upload file success')</script>";

sub uploadfile {

 my ($UPLOAD_FH,$id_last, $id_name) = @_;

 my $newfilename = $web_home."or_".$id_last."_".$id_name.".jpg";

 # umask 0000; #This is needed to ensure permission in new file

 open (IMG, ">$newfilename"); binmode IMG;  print IMG while (<$UPLOAD_FH>); close (IMG); chmod 0644, $newfilename; 

 image_thumbnail('100', '100', $newfilename, $web_home."".$id_last."_".$id_name.".jpg");


sub image_thumbnail {

 my ($ix, $iy, $file_name, $file_name_out) = @_;

my $photo = Image::Magick->new;

my ($ox, $oy, $oc, $ic, $nx, $ny, $geo);
  if (($ox > $ix)||($oy > $iy)) {
   $oc = $ox/$oy; $ic = $ix/$iy;
   if ($oc < $ic) {$ny = $iy; $nx=int(($ox/$oy)*$iy);}
   elsif ($oc > $ic) {$nx = $ix; $ny=int(($oy/$ox)*$ix);}
   else {$nx = $ix; $ny = $iy;}}
  else {$nx=$ox;$ny=$oy;}

  $geo = 'geometry';
  $photo->Resize(geometry=>$geo, width=>$nx, height=>$ny);


	# redirect:

  print $form->redirect( -uri => '', -status => 301 );



$dbh->do('UPDATE '.$prefix.'_base SET '.( join ", ", map { $_ .' = ? ' } keys %$hash ).' WHERE id='.$id_db.' LIMIT 1', undef, values %$hash ) if ($hash && %$hash);

my blog
I was searching for a ftp version of sshguard and I couldn't find one. Therefore, I wrote the following. Tested and working with pure-ftpd and pf on 8.0,8.1:
It is not hard to adapt it for ipf or ipfw with other ftp softwares out there.


if [[ -z $1 ]];then
        echo "Usage: grep_ip_from_file <file_name>"
        $grep "\[ERROR\]\ Too\ many\ authentication\ failures" $1 | $awk '{print $6}' | $grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}'| $uniq | while read IP
                   for i in $IP;
                                   if [[ $i != `$grep $i $ftpguard` ]];
                                   echo $i >> $ftpguard
                                   $pfctl -t $table -T add $i

The script expects that you have a entry in pf.conf like:
table <ftpguard> persist file "/etc/"
block in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from <ftpguard> to any port { 21, other ftp related ports } label "ftp bruteforce"

-rw-------  1 root  wheel  264 Sep  6 12:19 /etc/

I use crontab to scan /var/log/messages every 10 minutes:
*/10    *       *       *       *       root    /path to a folder/ /var/log/messages &> /dev/null
Pls note that I have appended &> /dev/null because I do not want to receive mails about this.

Hope it comes handy for some one.
After getting asked to many times on how to update the ports system, I wrote the following script. I hope some one finds it useful. If anyone finds an issue, or makes an addition, please forward them back to me. I might submit this to to "portmaster" author and see if he would include it in his port.

I added this script to root's bin directory and chmod'ed it to 0700.

#          FILE:  pmm
#         USAGE:  pmm
#   DESCRIPTION:  A menu driven Shell script for ports management
#       OPTIONS:  None
#  REQUIREMENTS:  /bin/sh, /usr/sbin/pkg_version, /usr/local/bin/portmaster
#          BUGS:  ---
#         NOTES:  ---
#        AUTHOR:  $Author: rbelk $
#       COMPANY:  OnlyBSD
#       VERSION:  $Header: /root/bin/RCS/pmm,v 1.4 2010/11/14 03:35:36 rbelk Exp $
#       CREATED:  $Date: 2010/11/14 03:35:36 $
#      REVISION:  $Revision: 1.4 $
#           LOG:  $Log: pmm,v $
#           LOG:  Revision 1.4  2010/11/14 03:35:36  rbelk
#           LOG:  added the pkg_version requirement
#           LOG:
#           LOG:  Revision 1.3  2010/11/14 03:33:26  rbelk
#           LOG:  cleaned up the comments
#           LOG:
#           LOG:  Revision 1.2  2010/11/14 03:30:19  rbelk
#           LOG:  Update the RCS comments section
#           LOG:

while :
 echo "P O R T S - M A I N T I A N C E - M E N U"
 echo ""
 echo "NOTE: You must first do the following steps for PMM to run correctly"
 echo "- Install the ports tree with the command /usr/sbin/portsnap fetch extract"
 echo "- Install portmaster: cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster; make install clean"
 echo "- Add the next line to roots crontab"
 echo "  0 1 * * * /usr/sbin/portsnap cron"
 echo ""
 echo "1. Update the ports tree"
 echo "2. List ports that need to be upgraded"
 echo "3  Update the installed ports"
 echo "4. Cross-check and update dependency information for all ports"
 echo "5. Delete stale distfiles of ports not installed anymore"
 echo "6. Delete stale packages in the package directory"
 echo "7. Delete stale ports that used to be depended on"
 echo "8. Delete stale entries in /var/db/ports"
 echo ""
 echo "Q - Quit"
 echo ""
 echo -n "Please enter option [1 - 8, Q] "
 read opt
 case $opt in
  1) echo "- Updating the ports directory";
         old_time=`ls -lt /usr/ports/UPDATING | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8}'`
         /usr/sbin/portsnap update
         new_time=`ls -lt /usr/ports/UPDATING | awk '{print $6" "$7" "$8}'`
         if [ "$old_time" != "$new_time" ]
             echo ">>>>>> A T T E N T I O N ---------------------------------------------------"
             echo " /usr/ports/UPDATING has Changed"
             echo "    PLEASE READ BEFORE CONTINUING"
             echo " You might have an installed port that needs attention"
             echo " When you are sure everything is OK, start PMM again and proceded to step 2"
             echo ">>>>>> A T T E N T I O N ---------------------------------------------------"
             exit 1;
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is '2' <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  2) echo "- Listing of ports that need to be upgraded";
         /usr/sbin/pkg_version -o -I -L= | awk '{print $1}'
         echo ""
         echo '>>>> Your Next Option is "3" <<<<';
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  3) echo "- Updating the installed ports";
         # /root/bin/update_ports
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster -a
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is "4" <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  4) echo "- Cross-checking and updating dependency information for all ports";
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster --check-depends
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is "5" <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  5) echo "- Deleting stale distfiles of ports not installed anymore";
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster --clean-distfiles
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is "6" <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  6) echo "- Deleting stale packages in the package directory";
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster --clean-packages
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is "7" <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  7) echo "- Deleting stale ports that used to be depended on";
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster -s
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your Next Option is "8" <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  8) echo "- Deleting stale entries in /var/db/ports";
         /usr/local/sbin/portmaster --check-port-dbdir
         echo ""
         echo ">>>> Your ports tree should be updated <<<<";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;
  Q) echo "Bye $USER";
         exit 1;;
  *) echo "$opt is an invaild option. Please select option between 1-8, or Q only";
         echo "Press [enter] key to continue. . .";
         read enterKey;;

Nice scripts mate, here are my thoughts:

diff(1) between old and new UPDATING instead of ATTENTION
add addtional options like
3.1 (do not ask for anything - automatic mode)
3.2 (use packages if available: -PP option)
3.3.(other usefull portmaster options)
consistency, use name 'ports' or 'packages' everywhere instead of mixing, example:
echo "6. Delete stale **packages** in the package directory"
echo "7. Delete stale **ports** that used to be depended on"