I used to use signal-desktop and it's disappeared from the binaries for quite some time now. so lost it.
There hasn't been a binary for FreeBSD 14 for a long now. But looking at "freshports" maybe one for v15 but no-one is going to be on that version now.
Have been trying to build it from the ports for quite a while (few months) but even that is STILL failing today (22nd June 2024). Doesn't anyone test that?
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE FreeBSD, have done since version 5. But the issue with maintainers - needs to be resolved for ALL PORTS.
As when there isn't a maintainer then it all goes to crap. For such a good OS, this needs to be worked out. Surely I'm not the only person on this planet that thinks that?
There hasn't been a binary for FreeBSD 14 for a long now. But looking at "freshports" maybe one for v15 but no-one is going to be on that version now.
Have been trying to build it from the ports for quite a while (few months) but even that is STILL failing today (22nd June 2024). Doesn't anyone test that?
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE FreeBSD, have done since version 5. But the issue with maintainers - needs to be resolved for ALL PORTS.
As when there isn't a maintainer then it all goes to crap. For such a good OS, this needs to be worked out. Surely I'm not the only person on this planet that thinks that?