FAQ: If Delta Chat uses E-Mail, is it really an Instant Messenger?
Well, what to expect from a FAQ answer of the project itself? IMHO, that's all moot, as email just isn't designed that way. With email, your message can get queued anywhere on the way indefinitely and you will only eventually get a bounce in case of a permanent error. For instant messaging, you want instant acknowledge of the receiver. I still think this is a pretty bad idea.
If work for Electron on FreeBSD has resumed and building Electron apps is the issue, not running them, any idea what's needed to try running a prebuilt Electron binary on FreeBSD?
Basically, a prebuilt binary FOR FreeBSD. Electron apps are NOT OS agnostic.
And the trouble with building Electron apps is what you can see looking into a port doing that. Everything using npm and/or yarn is a major PITA for creating a reliable, reproducible and packageable build.
The main benefits I see over XMPP is that you don't need to run your own XMPP instance or have to sign up at and trust a 3rd party server
XMPP offers OMEMO and PGP end to end encryption.
you can reach anyone with an email address, even if the other side is not using Delta Chat, in which case the other party simply can participate using his/her usual email client (only then communication is unencrypted, unless that email client supports Autocrypt or manual OpenPGP setup).
It really is a fascinating concept and totally reminds on how WhatsApp became that successful (by using existing mobile phone numbers instead of regular signups). Just think about it, you can easily reach anyone with an email address without the other party having to sign up or install any software beforehand, so no convincing to move to a new service involved, with the other side hopefully getting interested and starting to use that system after the fact.
Sounds convenient.

It sounds like a good addition for messaging on an existing system of email.

Still, email can be sent by a spoofed address on a secure and encrypted connection, because there's so many server/connection places where the spoof can originate from. On XMPP, only one server where the client signed up can send and change certain data, as there's no more than 2 servers that use SSL certificates to identify themselves to each other, and they set certain data that the client can't set. The only way a spoof is possible here is, is if one client address has a Unicode letter that looks like a regular character. With Omemo or PGP on XMPP, the message is encrypted, but I'm not sure whether header data is too.

We all use email, and we're mostly good with that. I wonder what could be the next thing like email with a direct federation model.

I wanted to point out the differences of direct federated and indirect federated systems.
Delta Chat is not a newcomer
SIP/SIMPLE and XMPP are the only ones that are open-source standards by IETF (a standard has a different distinction than a client). SIP/XIMPLE and XMPP can be standardized for use among different offerings of organizations or providers. Signal has endorsements, and is supported by Open Technology Fund.

Either way, it's good to hear the strengths of Delta Chat and if it gets endorsements.
Nice, but unfortunately there is no port for siggo either. I'd prefer software that's easy to install and keep up-to-date.

Awesome! Do you have a web page or repo for that to be able to follow your progress?
I put my notes / build instructions here: https://github.com/MikaelUrankar/signal-desktop (it's pretty rough at this point and I still have no clue of how to fix the ENOTTY problem...)
Text messaging is working, I haven't tried video call.
I put my notes / build instructions here: https://github.com/MikaelUrankar/signal-desktop (it's pretty rough at this point and I still have no clue of how to fix the ENOTTY problem...)
Text messaging is working, I haven't tried video call.
Any idea if this information can be applied to the deltachat-desktop app as well?

I have given up looking into Signal and just installed the Delta Chat Android apps on our phones. Having the desktop app available as well, would be really great.
Maybe net-im/signal-cli is an alternative for you which doesnt mess up your system on the side.
signal-cli is primarily intended to be used on servers to notify admins of important events.
That sounds right, that signal-cli is for servers and for a backend. It's not for casual use: the command line has to be used for each line.
There is also net-im/scli, a TUI which works with net-im/signal-cli. BSD Now highlighted a blog post which walks through setting it up a few weeks ago.
scli is the way to go on the terminal for users. That's a good link.
You need to rm -rf ~/.local/cache/scli (IIRC) after each update and you'll lose all chat history.
Signal is built like that. It's intended to lose chat history from device to device. From what you described, it happened from update to update. It's good to know about and to work around. Having more user customization and ability to keep the chat history setting about this would be better. Can the history be saved in another file? I have doubts that its on the server, as it's end to end encrypted, and meant to be secure as in implied not being held on the server after the device receives it.

From finally trying Signal, only 1 device can use an account for a number at a time. It's a little inconvenient, but at least secure in that way.

The configuration for net-im/signal-cli is applicable to net-im/scli. The phone number goes in rc.conf.local. scli displays a QR code on the terminal, which has to be scanned by the Signal app on the phone. The contacts showed up on my terminal. I didn't go past that.
signal-cli(1). Signal-cli's package message, pkg info -D signal-cli:
On install:
Quick start

1. Generate a QR code to link this signal-cli to the other user device like a
   phone or tablet with a Signal app (this step requires qrencode(1), which is
   an additional utility provided by the graphics/libqrencode port):

       signal-cli link -n DEVICENAME | xargs -n 1 qrencode -t ANSI256

2. Scan the generated QR code with an app.

3. Send a test message to yourself:

       signal-cli -u NUMBER send -m "This is a test" NUMBER

See the signal-cli wiki for more details:

Running a signal-cli daemon (using D-Bus user bus)

The DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable should be present for
signal-cli to function properly when run as a daemon (`signal-cli daemon`).

The easiest way is to run the graphical session with dbus-run-session(1), e.g.:

    dbus-run-session -- startx

signal_cli service (using D-Bus system bus)

There is an rc(8) script available for signal-cli if it's desired to use
signal-cli in a daemon mode with the D-Bus system bus.

First, configure the service in rc.conf(5):

    sysrc signal_cli_enable="YES"
    sysrc signal_cli_phone_number="+48123456789"

Before starting the service, it is needed to either register a new Signal
account or to link this machine with an existing account. It is possible to
create a linking URL this way:

    service signal_cli runcli link -n DEVICENAME

See the signal-cli wiki for more details:
Wiki referred to: https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki

scli's Readme, located at /usr/local/share/doc/scli/:
# scli
`scli` is a simple terminal user interface for [Signal](https://signal.org). It uses [signal-cli](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli) and [urwid](http://urwid.org/).

## Features

- vim-like navigation (`j`, `k`, `g`, `G`, etc), command entry with `:`
- optional emacs-like `readline` bindings for input
- external `$EDITOR` support

### Limitations

- Not yet supported by [signal-cli](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/issues):
    - Quoting a message ([#875](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/issues/875))
    - Adding @-mentions in sent messages ([#875](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/issues/875))
    - Voice calls ([#80](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/issues/80))

- *Sending* read receipts for received messages.
- "View once" and "expiring" messages.
- See also: open [issues](https://github.com/isamert/scli/issues).

## Installation
### Automatic
The following methods are supported by community and may be outdated.

[![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/scli-signal-cli.svg)](https://repology.org/project/scli-signal-cli/versions)

- [Debian / Ubuntu](https://gitlab.com/packaging/scli/)

### Manual

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/isamert/scli

or download a [release](https://github.com/isamert/scli/releases).

#### Dependencies

- [`signal-cli`](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli) `>=v0.6.8`.

    Download and unpack a [release](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/releases), and place the `signal-cli` executable somewhere on the `$PATH`.

    Or compile from source: see [install](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli#Installation) section of `signal-cli` readme for instructions.

- [`urwid`](https://github.com/urwid/urwid)

    Availble on PyPI:

    pip install urwid

    and in some distributions' package managers, see repology [(1)](https://repology.org/project/urwid/versions), [(2)](https://repology.org/project/python:urwid/versions).

- [`urwid_readline`](https://github.com/rr-/urwid_readline/) (optional)

    For GNU readline-like keybinds on the input line (emacs-like only).

    pip install urwid-readline

    Also in a few [package managers](https://repology.org/project/python:urwid-readline/versions).

- [DBus](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus/)

    Pre-installed on most linux distributions and BSDs with desktop environments. On macOS, the `dbus` package is available from homebrew, see signal-cli's [wiki](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki/DBus-service#user-content-dbus-on-macos). See also, wiki's [troubleshooting](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki/DBus-service#user-content-troubleshooting) section.

- [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) `>=3.7`

### Registering or linking your device

Before running `scli`, `signal-cli` needs to be registered with the signal servers. You can either register a [new device](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki/Quickstart#user-content-set-up-an-account), or [link](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki/Linking-other-devices-(Provisioning)) `signal-cli` with an already registered device (e.g. your phone).

Linking can be done interactively with `scli link`, see the [next section](#linking-with-scli-link).

For more information, see: `signal-cli` [usage](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli#Usage), [man page](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/blob/master/man/signal-cli.1.adoc), and [wiki](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki).

#### Linking with `scli link`

Linking with an existing account can be done interactively with

scli link [--name DEVICE_NAME]

and following instructions on the screen. The `DEVICE_NAME` is optional, `scli` is used by default.

This requires [pyqrcode](https://github.com/mnooner256/pyqrcode) package (available on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/PyQRCode/) and other [repositories](https://repology.org/project/python:pyqrcode/versions))

#### Verifying setup

After registering or linking, verify that the following commands work:

signal-cli -u USERNAME receive


signal-cli -u USERNAME daemon

where `USERNAME` is the phone number you have used (starting with the "+" sign and including your country calling code). Kill the latter process after verifying that it starts successfully and does not throw any errors.

Now you can start


if you have put it on your system's `$PATH`, or specify the full `/path/to/executable/scli`.

## Usage
A simple two-paned interface is provided. Left pane contains the contact list and right pane contains current conversation. You can switch focus between panes with `Tab` (or `Shift + Tab`). Hitting tab for the first time focuses the conversation, hitting it again focuses to input line. So the focus order is `Contacts -> Conversation -> Input`. You can use `Shift + Tab` for cycling backwards.

### Keys
- `j`/`k` move the cursor down/up in a conversation and the contacts list.
- `g` focuses first contact/message.
- `G` focuses last contact/message.
- `enter` on a contact opens its conversation and focuses the input line.
- `l` on a contact opens its conversation without focusing input line.
- `enter` on a message opens attachment or URL if there is one.
- `o` on a message opens URL or attachment if there is one.
- `y` on a message puts it into system clipboard. (needs `xclip`).
- `e` or `R` on a message opens an emoji picker and sends it as a reaction. Sending an 'empty' reaction removes the previously set reaction.
- `d` deletes the message locally (from the current device's history).
- `D` remote-deletes the message (for everyone in the conversation).
- `i` shows a message info popup with the message's details.
- `U` in contacts list increments contact's unread count (can be used to mark conversation as unread).
- `Alt+Enter` inserts a newline in message composing input field.
- `Alt+J` / `Alt+K` (and `Alt+↓` / `Alt+↑`) open next / previous conversation.
- If [`urwid_readline`](https://github.com/rr-/urwid_readline/) is installed, all of its keybindings can be used in the message compose input field.

### Commands
Commands can be entered by typing `:` followed by one of the commands below.

- `:edit` or `:e` lets you edit your message in your `$EDITOR`.
- `:attach FILE_PATH` or `:a FILE_PATH` attaches given file to message.
- `:attachClip` or `:c` attaches clipboard content to message. This command tries to detect clipboard content. If clipboard contains something with the mime-type `image/png` or `image/jpg`, it simply attaches the image to message. If clipboard contains `text/uri-list` it attaches all the files in that URI list to the message. This command needs `xclip` installed.
- `:openUrl` or `:u` opens the last URL in conversation, if there is one.
- `:openAttach` or `:o` opens the last attachment in conversation, if there is one.
- `:toggleNotifications` or `:n` toggles desktop notifications.
- `:toggleContactsSort` or `:s` toggles between sorting contacts alphabetically and by the most recent message.
- `:toggleAutohide` or `:h` hides the contacts pane when it's not in focus.
- `:addContact NUMBER [NAME]` adds a new contact to the contact list. Added contacts' names are local (not synced with signal servers).
    _Note_: This command works only with signal-cli accounts registered as "master" (_not_ those linked with the phone app).
- `:renameContact [ID] NEW_NAME` renames contact `ID` to `NEW_NAME`. `ID` can be either contact's phone number or contact's name. If `ID` is skipped, the contact from the currently opened conversation is used. If `ID` is a name that contains spaces, they need to be escaped or the whole name put in quotes. `NEW_NAME` can contain spaces without quotes or escaping. 'Contact' can be a group as well as an individual. Individual contacts' renames are local (not synced with the signal servers).
    See _Note_ for `:addContact` command above.
- `:reload` re-reads the `signal-cli`s data file. (Updates contacts list etc.)
- `:quit` or `:q` quits the program.

:attach ~/cute_dog.png check out this cute dog!
:attachclip here is another picture.
**Note**: Commands are case insensitive, `:quit` and `:qUiT` do the same thing.

### Searching
Filtering messages in a conversation is done by typing `/` followed by the match text. Hitting `enter` (or `l`) on a message shows it in the full conversation. Hitting `Esc` clears the search. Searching through the contacts is done similarly.

### Configuration
Configuration options can be passed to scli as command-line arguments or added to the configuration file in `~/.config/sclirc`. Run `scli --help` to show all available options.

In the configuration file the empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored. Other lines are `key = value` pairs. Optional arguments (flags) like `--debug` can be enabled in config file with any of: `true`, `t`, `yes`, `y` (with any capitalization, case insensitive).

#### Example
scli -w 80 --enable-notifications
Configuration file equivalent of this command is:
## Long option forms are used in config file. (w = 80 is not valid.)
wrap-at = 80
enable-notifications = true

#### History

Conversations history can be enabled with `--save-history` or `-s` flag. The file will be saved in plain text (to `~/.local/share/scli/history` by default). See the [Security](#data-storage) section regarding an encrypted storage.

#### Colors

Messages' text can be colorized using the `--color` option:

- `--color` (no additional value)
   Use contacts' colors from the master signal device.

- `--color=high`
     Same as above, but use 256 colors instead of the terminal's standard 8. Colors look closer to those on official clients, but not necessarily legible on all terminals' color schemes.

- `--color='{"<signal_color>": "<urwid_color>", ..., "<phone_number>": "<urwid_color>", ...}'`
   Override colors for particular contacts or redefine signal-assigned colors; use signal-assigned colors for the rest, as above. If any of the `<urwid_color>`s is specified as a 256-color, the "high-color mode" will be turned on (like `--color=high`).

- `--color='["<urwid_color_sent>", "<urwid_color_recv>"]'`
   Use one color for sent messages and another for received messages (from any contact).

The list of available `<signal_color>` names is in the [source code](https://github.com/isamert/scli/blob/9a5a49d/scli#L2925-L2939) (first column).
An `<urwid_color>` is one of urwid's [16 standard foreground colors](https://urwid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual/displayattributes.html#standard-foreground-colors) (`dark green`, `yellow`, `default`, etc), or [256 foreground colors](https://urwid.readthedocs.io/en/latest/manual/displayattributes.html#color-foreground-and-background-colors) (`#f8d`, `h123`, etc).
To see the available colors rendered in your terminal, run [palette_test.py](https://github.com/urwid/urwid/blob/master/examples/palette_test.py) from urwid's examples.
The single quotes in `--color='...'` above are just shell-escaping, and not needed in `sclirc`.

## Security
This is an independent project not audited or endorsed by the [Signal foundation](https://signal.org/). That is also true of [signal-cli](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli) that scli uses as a backend.

### Data storage
Scli saves its history (when enabled, with `--save-history`) in plain text. Likewise, signal-cli stores its data (received attachments, contacts info, encryption keys) unencrypted. To secure this data at rest, it is recommended to use full-disk encryption or dedicated tools like [fscrypt](https://github.com/google/fscrypt).

To protect the data from potentially malicious programs running in user-space, one can run scli and signal-cli under a separate user.

For more detailed discussions, see: [[1]](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/discussions/884), [[2]](https://github.com/isamert/scli/pull/169).

## Similar projects
See [TUI clients](https://github.com/AsamK/signal-cli/wiki#user-content-terminal--tui-clients) on signal-cli wiki.

## Screenshots
(This is for convenience, and for those who don't have immediate access to FreeBSD)
Apologies for resurrecting this thread, and my newbiness, but I've just changed machines and installed a new 13.1 version and found that signal-desktop is not available as a package; presumably because there is no maintainer. Signal worked really well on my old 13.1, so how can I download it for my new desktop. Thanks (and yes, I know I should know this stuff).
Apologies for resurrecting this thread, and my newbiness, but I've just changed machines and installed a new 13.1 version and found that signal-desktop is not available as a package; presumably because there is no maintainer. Signal worked really well on my old 13.1, so how can I download it for my new desktop. Thanks (and yes, I know I should know this stuff).
According to signal-desktop the version on quarterly doesn't build. Only the version on latest it is building.
Apologies for resurrecting this thread, and my newbiness, but I've just changed machines and installed a new 13.1 version and found that signal-desktop is not available as a package; presumably because there is no maintainer. Signal worked really well on my old 13.1, so how can I download it for my new desktop. Thanks (and yes, I know I should know this stuff).
I still maintain it, and will do it until I stop using signal. I don't have much spare time and I tend to neglect quarterly.
I still maintain it, and will do it until I stop using signal. I don't have much spare time and I tend to neglect quarterly.
It is very good - and people like me tend to rely on it. Thanks, I wish I could do more to contribute.
9th January. Just downloaded it and it works - thanks again.
Last edited:
I wouldn't be concerned about security as long as a sane end-to-end encryption is used, which is at least claimed on the project's website.

Still I think the choice to build instant messaging on top of email is pretty weird. Email was never designed to be "instant", it's designed to handle temporary errors gracefully (by queueing on each MTA and retrying failed attempts to pass the mail to the next one, with increasing waiting times, up to several days isn't uncommon) and also allow redundancy and alternative paths. And then, it's still "best effort", there's never a guarantee an email sent out would ever arrive. Taking all this into account, that's really NOT what you need for instant massaging.
There is a grantee that anything will arrive in any network?
There is a grantee that anything will arrive in any network?
No. IP is already unreliable. TCP offers reliability (guaranteed delivery or error) on top of that, but that's only for the single connection concerned. Emails are delivered over arbitrary hops in the network of email servers. Your email client sends it to a relay (your own or provided by your organization or ISP). From there, it could go directly to the receiving mailserver, but that's no must. If a mail server can't deliver a mail, it must send back a "bounce" mail to the sender, but that's subject to the same potential problems and can also go wrong for other reasons (like incorrect sender information). Spam and similar almost always has faked sender information and could couse a flood of bounces to random other people, so often bounces are completely disabled nowadays.

Email is not reliable.