Need advice regarding a workstation for writing and data analysis

what a naive accusation on IT professionals who value their customers data ... maybe you haven't heard of it, but it's 2024 and cybercriminals are making billions of dollars per year just by threatening to sell data/making it public. They do pay thieves to steal equipment.
Did you, perhaps, READ the original post -- to which *I* replied? Is there anything in it that suggests he is handling "customer data"? Or, is an "IT professional"? Note:
Public facing role involves teaching but that is using my laptop, which will remain Linux.

and not running data center style overkill filesystems
ZFS is a memory hog, though you can limit the ARC size it uses. I haven't used gvinum, but it seems a nice alternative to Linux LVM. ZFS is a SSD killer indeed - expect roughly 4x more data written on a device compared to UFS, however, having valid data and snapshots is great.

I did a write amplification test just recently. ZFS does not write more data to disk for the same userland data written.
I did a write amplification test just recently. ZFS does not write more data to disk for the same userland data written.
today I also performed some benchmarks. IIRC my tests were with OpenZFS < 2.0. It was a quite unscientific test with some of my personal use-cases. However, nice to see this has improved dramatically: using UFS and ZFS without any special options, ZFS only needed < 10% (at maximum) more IO operations on the disks compared to UFS, which is negligable for me. Additionally, using ZFS compression will reduce io transactions on the disk (I usually use zstd-6 to zstd-12 depending on usecase).