Solved Missing background in thread view on mobile devices

All pages (front, threads, forums, etc) are dynamically generated based on templates and macros. All pages use the same "header" template to generate that top header of a page.

Right, found some of the other styles that are in that javascript, like div#freebsd_headerlogoleft and div#freebsd_menu. In the same file I did find #freebsd_headercontainer but that has no mention of background-image:. Haven't found div#freebsd_headercontainer yet.

Reading through the javascript a bit, there's this bit of code:
$container.append('<button id="btn-hamburger">

In short, the javascript mucks around with the style client-side. The search continues.
All pages (front, threads, forums, etc) are dynamically generated based on templates and macros. All pages use the same "header" template to generate that top header of a page.
So why does this work for the front page but not any other? That's obvious once you look at the URLs. That background URL is relative, it should be absolute. It works on the front page because https://<site>/<relative url> accidentally accesses the right URL. But it fails on the others due to https://<site>/<some subpart>/<relative url> not existing.
just add a / at the begining of the url and be done with it
it will break if the forum is in a subdir like but as it isnt will work
if the url is specified in a css file the url is relative to the path from which the css was loaded
if inserted from js i have no idea where the base is considered
just add a / at the begining of the url and be done with it
Yes. That's what I'm trying to do. But I need to find where this bloody url is defined before I can add the slash.
if the url is specified in a css file the url is relative to the path from which the css was loaded
if inserted from js i have no idea where the base is considered
That javascript is generated based on the "Style properties", "Styles" and/or "Templates" I can edit in the admin panel. So somewhere among a gazillion macros I need to find 1) where background: is added/set in the div#freebsd_headercontainer, and 2) I need to figure out where it's getting the URL from.
One thing I'm realizing, those pages, javascripts and whatnot are dynamically generated. But you're not going to do all this generating on every request as that would probably burn down the webserver pretty quickly. You generate those once, then cache them. The basic structure is the same for every request. So I'm thinking some old copy is cached, that's why I can't find it in the actual style properties and templates in the admin panel.
SirDice I solved this but Firefox say some styles are inline styles. However I don't know how can be really solved.

eternal_noob These issues often aren't minor. Especially considering the current state of the markup. It was generated by people long ago who had little time to understand how these thing work if they worked well at all and it's not properly laid out at all.