Learn FreeBSD Jails with Pictures

Look the link on post #26. The files are in the same format as in the original link by the author, I literately just c&p
Edit: Even the README file it is from the original link.
I imagine that you talk about the link that isn't working right now, if so that's because the one who hosted the files (gyptazy ) is not the author (rdx_in), I suppose he mixed things up unintentionally and just named them like he used to.

Again the tittle is on top of each file, why do you think he named them differently?
Check his mastodon posts.


For the ones looking for it, the CDN moved to .com instead of .ch and is reachable here https://cdn.gyptazy.com/files/talks/

FreeBSD_Jails_Part 1-7 are the ones from rdx_in
Dear gyptazy :
below pictures is not clear , it's so small. can you transfer it to pdf or big clear size ? thanks.

FreeBSD_Boot_Process_01_BIOS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 2058417
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_02_BIOS_GPT.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 380525
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_03_UEFI_GPT.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 71869
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_04_BIOS_ZFS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 66492
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_05_BIOS_GPT_ZFS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 79664
For the ones looking for it, the CDN moved to .com instead of .ch and is reachable here https://cdn.gyptazy.com/files/talks/

FreeBSD_Jails_Part 1-7 are the ones from rdx_in
Dear gyptazy :
i have enter the web site "https://boxybsd.com/vserver/" and apply a new vms for myself . i want to build a vpn server for myself to access google , i want to study more about freebsd, but my country block google,and wiki.youtube, and more , that stop my study. can I apply vms in boxybsd.com and build it for vpn server ? thanks. this tunnel will be my study tunnel.
other things, what matrix client i can use it in my freebsd14.1 with Gnome? i want to join your channel to study. thanks.
For the ones looking for it, the CDN moved to .com instead of .ch and is reachable here https://cdn.gyptazy.com/files/talks/
Thank you! 👍

FreeBSD_Jails_Part 1-7 are the ones from rdx_in
Quick question, can I ask you if the given names of these PDF are from rdx_in ?
You may have read the messages above, I have a different opinion on this, but if it's how rdx_in named them, then I will fix that, thank you.

Dear gyptazy :
below pictures is not clear , it's so small. can you transfer it to pdf or big clear size ? thanks.

FreeBSD_Boot_Process_01_BIOS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 2058417
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_02_BIOS_GPT.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 380525
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_03_UEFI_GPT.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 71869
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_04_BIOS_ZFS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 66492
FreeBSD_Boot_Process_05_BIOS_GPT_ZFS.png 22-Sep-2024 07:09 79664
They are available on his FreeBSD wiki page in bigger size, as indicated in the message #1
Dear gyptazy :
i have enter the web site "https://boxybsd.com/vserver/" and apply a new vms for myself . i want to build a vpn server for myself to access google , i want to study more about freebsd, but my country block google,and wiki.youtube, and more , that stop my study. can I apply vms in boxybsd.com and build it for vpn server ? thanks. this tunnel will be my study tunnel.
other things, what matrix client i can use it in my freebsd14.1 with Gnome? i want to join your channel to study. thanks.
Hey fff2024g

Sorry, I’m not frequently visiting the forums. Please use the regular support for BoxyBSD (Matrix Chat or Email). The things behind it are automated, therefore I kindly ask you to use the regular tools. Sure, you can apply - that’s why the project exists.

Please, let’s get back to topic.
Regarding the following post (which didn't get attention) I've updated the post #22 where last PDF are grouped.
At this point this is kind of weird to save something that is already on the same forum, I'll see if doing that is really justify or not.