It's all about jokes, funny pics...


When Manhattanites neglected to dial the "1" before the area code, they got an improv comedian instead of tech support for a Barnes & Noble internet service based in Houston. Hilarity ensues, as the unsuspecting callers think they're talking to a real tech support agent. It's like prank calling in reverse.

I thought this comedy album was hilarious in high school. I'm not sure if I'm getting old or if I've just heard it too many times, but it used to seem a lot funnier.

More at <>. Note: explicit.
When Manhattanites neglected to dial the "1" before the area code, they got an improv comedian instead of tech support for a Barnes & Noble internet service based in Houston.

Around forty years ago, me and my flatmates occasionally had fun with misdialled incoming calls to what people thought was a carpet retailer. I hope no-one there got the sack.
I once found a website where someone had the mp3s of telemarketing goons with STT/Eliza/TTS. Could not find it again, sadly.
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This screenshot (not my own) made me laugh a few months ago:


The sad part: truth of what was written scrawled across the screenshot (someone's shock at the slowness of FreeBSD). The happy part: FreeBSD Foundation-funded work to end the situation :)
Just for the record, here's the text of that article:
Ein Setzerscherz: Als ein Beispiel, wie man aus einfachen Linien und Klammern das Bild eines menschlichen Gesichtes herstellen und dieser Physiognomie sogar verschiedenen Ausdruck verleihen kann, mag das folgende Letterngemälde dienen, welches der Muße und guten Laune des Mitgliedes der Typographiegilde sein Entstehen verdankt, und den Gesichtsausdruck eines Lustigen, eines Gleichgültigen und eines Traurigen zur Anschauung bringt.

The fact that this only a single sentence is worth an additional post.
I don't know which is funnier:
  • the profile wording of Mrs Potaoes Exposed
  • the fact that it's not necessary to spell-check the word Promse before writing authoritatively about The Promse of Science.

I sought potato in my browser history, before …

(The history amused me, but I have a warped sense of humour.)

If it's too warped: sorry.

If I had not deleted my Twitter account: I'd follow Mrs P.E. and vigorously defend her right to not have her children exposed to the risks of potatoes, risks that are documented in more than fifty scientific published articles.
I'm more upset about the lack of space after comma ?, but I don't have Twitter so who knows, might be just yet another wrong html standard mangling spaces there, just like consecutive spaces are mangled here. ?
… might be just yet another wrong html standard mangling spaces there, …

Oh I'm certain that it wasn't a standards issue. I repeatedly roasted the person who pretended to be the person portrayed. The mis-spelt promse was one of a number of ongoing jokes about the scientific veracity. 'Nuff said, I think, 'cause the truths were/are a tad contentious.