Installing or upgrading to FreeBSD 15 (CURRENT[?])

Can CURRENT be downgrade to RELEASE?
Depends. If you are running zfs and there are incompatible changes in -current and you "upgraded" zfs, you can be in trouble. gpu drivers may/may not work. Any kernel loadable driver ports will have to be recompiled. If you are compiling ports locally, they may end up relying on the latest system libraries and you will have to recompile them.
Depends. If you are running zfs and there are incompatible changes in -current and you "upgraded" zfs, you can be in trouble. gpu drivers may/may not work. Any kernel loadable driver ports will have to be recompiled. If you are compiling ports locally, they may end up relying on the latest system libraries and you will have to recompile them.

A complete replacement of all packages is definitely required, they will all fail wrt libc. I was more concerned about the base system surviving the surgery at all so that you can even think about packages.

Good point about "upgraded" zpools. That's a killer one.
Forgot to add: you should read the UPDATING file in the -current source dir and make sure you (at least minimally) understand changes since the last release.

Best to run -current in a VM, keep a local git repo, recompile it locally (on the host), until you're comfortable with it, before installing on a physical machine. And use zfs so that you can use bectl to fall back in case the latest change breaks things! Nowadays -current rarely fails to boot but it can happen!
Ho well, got freebsd14 base untared in a CURRENT 15.0. My account got erased. I did simple
unxz base.txz
tar -xf base.tar
How nice. This is not easy. the downgrade was fine until Xorg got broken. no way to fix it with pkg. The system printed that the version of the OS was not the one expected.
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I just tried to upgrade to stable/14 from release/14.2 with success using [pkgbase]( It should work for current. Just use different repo url.