How to run FreeBSD on new boards built on Rockchip 35XX..


Well have been busy with other stuff for a while but thought I'd chime in anyways as I was pointed at this discussion.
I have uploaded the latest of what I use here on various RK3566/RK3568 boards for quite some time:

I'll try to answer questions etc as best I can, but still busy here so patience :)
Thanks Soren.

I wanted to mention on the EDK2 bootloader the offset needs to be larger than u-boot size of 16M (on rockchip).
EDK2 images seem to need 20M and flashing that to most FreeBSD arm images will destory the partition scheme.

I have been leaving 32M free space for EDK2 images.

gpart create gpt da0

gpart add -t efi -s 50M -b 65536 da0

My point is you cannot flash EDK2 bootloader to RockPro64 Image. The image is setup for 16M free space. Not 20M.
Actually that is not necessary, seems like it looks for the "uboot" part I more than one place, havn't looked at the code though...
The provided image starts at 32M btw so no danger there, the official images might be different.
I have several systems where I just have 1MB for the loader and 3 MB for the EDK2 "uboot" part fx for the NanoPi-R5S:

# Create boot partitions (SOC specific)
gpart add -b 64 -s 1984 -t linux-data -l loader ${MDFILE}
gpart add -b 2048 -s 3m -t linux-data -l uboot ${MDFILE}

# Copy EDK2 binaries in place
dd if=$MYROOT/boot/nanopi5/idblock.bin of=$IMG seek=64 conv=notrunc,sync
dd if=$MYROOT/boot/nanopi5/NANOPI-R5S_EFI.itb of=$IMG seek=2048 conv=notrunc,sync

That makes it possible to fit it into the SPI flash, havn't played with that yet as you have to take rockchips unusual layout into the equation as well.