How do FreeBSD users LaTeX?

mix_room said:
It is hard to say if you use advanced features or not. To me it looks like you have long document with some images included, where the images were taken from other sources

Most of the graphics are SVG images exported as PDF in Inkscape (because I havent found a way to import SVG images into LaTeX), there are also some PNG/JPG.

mavio% [color="#0000ff"]cat functions.tex [/color]
% --< FUNCTIONS >-- %
% \code{df.output}{df -h}
% \cmd{cmd_xm_list.output}{Wynik polecenia xm list.}
% \nicequote{Stan Lee}{With great power comes great responsibility.}
% \notion{AMD-V}
% \todo{co to ja mialem tu zrobic?}
% \logo{150mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \imagequiet{150mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \image{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \imagewidth{80mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \imageborder{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \imageborderscale{drawing.pdf}{opis}
% \imageborderwidth{150mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}

\definecolor{gray0}{rgb}{0.8, 0.8, 0.8}
\definecolor{gray1}{rgb}{0.4, 0.4, 0.4}

\newcommand{\nicequote}[2] % usage: \nicequote{Stan Lee}{With great power comes great responsibility.}

\newcommand{\code}[2] % usage: \code{df.output}{df -h}

\newcommand{\cmd}[2] % usage: \cmd{cmd_xm_list.output}{Wynik polecenia xm list.}

\newcommand{\logo}[3] % usage: \imagequiet{150mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}

\newcommand{\imagequiet}[3] % usage: \image{80mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}

\newcommand{\image}[2] % usage: \image{drawing.pdf}{opis}

\newcommand{\imagewidth}[3] % usage: \imagewidth{80mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}

\newcommand{\imageborder}[2] % usage: \imageborder{drawing.pdf}{opis}
    \setlength \fboxsep{2.0pt}
    \setlength \fboxrule{2.0pt}

\newcommand{\imageborderscale}[2] % usage: \imageborderscale{drawing.pdf}{opis}
    \setlength \fboxsep{2.0pt}
    \setlength \fboxrule{2.0pt}

\newcommand{\imageborderwidth}[3] % usage: \imageborderwidth{150mm}{drawing.pdf}{opis}
    \setlength \fboxsep{2.0pt}
    \setlength \fboxrule{2.0pt}

\newcommand{\notion}[1] % usage: \notion{AMD-V}

\newcommand{\todo}[1] % usage: \todo{co to ja mialem tu zrobic?}
  \textbf{TODO:} #1

mavio% [color="Blue"]cat thesis.skel [/color]
\usepackage{indentfirst} % for: (indent first parapgrapch after \section)
\usepackage{mathpazo}    % for: (nice font)
\usepackage{multicol}    % for: columns
\usepackage{color}       % for: \color
\usepackage{url}         % for: \url
\usepackage{fancyvrb}    % for: \VerbatimInput
\usepackage{natbib}      % for: \cite
\usepackage{graphicx}    % for: \includegraphics
\usepackage{xspace}      % for: \xspace (remove stupid spaces)
\usepackage{hyperref}    % for: \hypersetup
\usepackage{makeidx}     % for: \makeindex
\usepackage{setspace}    % for: \onehalfspacing (1.5 spacing)
\usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf,up]{caption} % for: \caption

\hoffset        = 0pt
\voffset        = 0pt
\oddsidemargin  = 0pt
\topmargin      = 0pt
\headheight     = 0pt
\headsep        = 20pt
\textheight     = 675pt
\textwidth      = 455pt
\marginparsep   = 0pt
\marginparwidth = 0pt
\footskip       = 15pt
\marginparpush  = 0pt

  pdftitle={WIRTUALIZACJA SYSTEMÓW OPERACYJNYCH - Sławomir Wojciech Wojtczak},
  pdfauthor={SÅ‚awomir Wojciech Wojtczak},
  pdfcreator={vermaden},        % creator
  pdfkeywords={virtualization}, % keywords
  pdffitwindow=true,            % fit to window
  pdfnewwindow=true,            % links in new window
  unicode=true,                 % use unicode
  colorlinks=true,              % create color links
  linkcolor=black,              % color of internal links
  urlcolor=blue,                % color of external links
  citecolor=blue,               % color of bibliography links
  filecolor=blue                % color of file links






\chapter{Wprowadzenie do wirtualizacji}

\chapter{Dostępne maszyny wirtualne}

\chapter{Wydajność maszyn wirtualnych}

\chapter{Przyszłość wirtualizacji}



\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % other: unsrtnat/cell/jas99/abbrvnat

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Spis rysunków}



Example snip from content.tex file, generally no magic there:


Na koniec wyjaśnijmy jeszcze czym jest \notion{emulacja} systemu
operacyjnego. Polega ona na stworzeniu wirtualnego środowiska,
które w praktyce dla systemu guest jest postrzegane jako
kompletny komputer. Wszystkie elementy wirtualnego komputera sÄ…
programowo emulowane, między innymi takie jak CPU, RAM, HDD,
GPU, BIOS i CD. Emulator, to więc nic innego jak kolejna
aplikacja działająca w trybie ring 3, co przedstawia
\textbf{rysunek \ref{ch_01/emulator.pdf}}. Potrzebuje on jednak
o wiele więcej zasobów niż typowa aplikacja aby realizować swoje
zadania z sensowną szybkością.

\imageborder{ch_01/emulator.pdf}{\textit{Emulator} jest po
prostu kolejną aplikacją działającą w systemie.}

Wielką zaletą emulacji jest możliwość emulowania systemów, które
wymagają innej architektury sprzętowej niż architektura systemu
host, na przykład emulacja architektury PowerPC na
najpopularniejszej aktualnie architekturze i386, było to swego
czasu popularne dzięki emulatorowi \notion{PearPC}, który był
wykorzystywany do uruchamiania systemu \notion{Mac OS X} na
systemach Windows. Aktualnie najpopularniejszymi aplikacjami,
zapewniajÄ…cymi emulacjÄ™ sÄ… na \notion{QEMU} \footnote{QEMU wraz
z modułem \textit{kqemu} może również służyć jako maszyna
wirtualna} oraz \notion{Bochs}.


  \item \textbf{Equivalence (równoważność)} - Program działający
  pod kontrolą wirtualizacji powinien zastać środowisko identyczne
  jak w przypadku bezpośredniego działania na tym sprzęcie.

  \item \textbf{Resource Control (kontrola zasobów)} - Monitor
  musi posiadać pełną kontrolę nad wirtualizowanymi zasobami.

  \item \textbf{Efficiency (wydajność)} - Instrukcje w
  większości muszą być wykonywane bez interwencji monitora.

mix_room said:
More complicated stuff would include drawing the images directly in LaTeX, tikz for example:

Basically anything where MS Office (or would suffice is simply in my mind. TOC, well organized bibliography, etc etc are the basis on which LaTeX is built.

Ok, thanks for an example.

Generally it will be far easier (and faster) for me to draw something similar in Inkscape as SVG and then export it to PDF and inclide info LaTeX document, but maybe if you know LaTeX very good its faster.
-- I would do that in 1 post, but 10 000 character limit per post forces me to double post.

Oko said:
We don't. We are waiting Hiroki Sato to port TeXLive to FreeBSD from 2001 or something like that. In the mean time if you really need to use TeX with BSD you have two options. One is two switch to OpenBSD or more recently to NetBSD. The other one is to use unofficial port of Romain Tartière which is not allowed to ports three because we do not want to hurt Mr. Sato's feelings.

There is no texlive in ports but ...

I have just downloaded texlive2008-20080822.iso from torrents (search for texlive2008 keyword), mounted it as usual, started installer install-tl and everything installed without any problems at /usr/local/texlive/2008

# [color="Blue"]cd /mnt[/color]
# [color="Blue"]ls bin | grep freebsd[/color]
# [color="#0000ff"]./install-tl[/color]
======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

=======> Note: Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate menu items <=======
=======>       for commands or configurable options                   <=======

 Detected platform: Intel x86 with FreeBSD
 <B> binary systems: 1 out of 15

 <S> Installation scheme (scheme-full)
     83 collections out of 84, disk space required: 1720 MB

 Customizing installation scheme:
   <C> standard collections
   <L> language collections

 <D> directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] create all format files
   [X] install macro/font doc tree
   [X] install macro/font source tree
   [ ] create symlinks in standard directories

 <V> set up for running from DVD

Other actions:
 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

After reading post install message and modifying my PATH:
 for links to documentation.  The TeX Live web site ( 
 contains any updates and corrections.

 TeX Live is a joint project of the TeX user groups around the world;
 please consider supporting it by joining the group best for you. The
 list of groups is available on the web at

 Add /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/man to MANPATH.
 Add /usr/local/texlive/2008/texmf/doc/info to INFOPATH.
 Most importantly, add /usr/local/texlive/2008/bin/i386-freebsd
 to your PATH for current and future sessions.

 Welcome to TeX Live!

My master's thesis built with texlive without any problems and looks the same as the one built using tetex package.

mavio% [color="Blue"]echo $PATH[/color]

mavio% [color="#0000ff"]make[/color]
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.7)
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8l>
This is makeindex, version 2.15 [20-Nov-2007] (kpathsea + Thai support).
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.7)
Output written on thesis.pdf (89 pages, 2016890 bytes).

So there is an almost instant and easy way to have fully working Tex Live 2008 on FreeBSD.
vermaden said:
... so a 'great' news to all LaTeX/TeXLive users here, since Hiroki Sato has been elected to FreeBSD's core team for the next 2 years, if he suck so much, why he gets elected? (as other here say)


I'm dubious about Oko's generous & factual statements (running openBSD regularly can lead to some unexpected social side-effects, or so I hear), but instead of gum-flapping about political rumours why don't you try e-mailing the gentleman in question and asking him directly?
fronclynne said:
but instead of gum-flapping about political rumours why don't you try e-mailing the gentleman in question and asking him directly?

I generally do not care about all that LaTeX stuff, my works are working with TeTeX package and I have TeXLive 2008 in case.
vermaden said:
I generally do not care about all that LaTeX stuff, my works are working with TeTeX package and I have TeXLive 2008 in case.

Ah, I just realised that you were probably arguing against the slander. My apologies.
I've migrated 3 years ago from LaTeX /Texlive in GNU/Linux to ConTeXT, another tex derivative based on Luatex.
- it's lightweight,the standalone version is about 250 MO including +200MO of fonts.
- it's tightly integrated with MetaPost for all the graphic stuff
- and it can do typesetting in a grid which is excellent.
The syntax is clear and self explanatory, and there is little need to third party packages (called modules) making it's interface consistent.
As long as you can convert a graphic to encapsulated postscript, you will be able to embed it in a TeX document with standard tools (tex, dvips). For that you do not need to install texlive-bloat.

See under "Interaction with PostScript" here:

One thing I want to use is PGF and TikZ, but have to find out what packages I will have to download and where to put the files. Any hints on this are welcome!

If you do not want to use PGF and TikZ and do not want to download bloat, you can also write postscript, even inline in the TeX document if you want. Postscript is a language for doing that. You can google and find info.
... For that you do not need to install texlive-bloat. ...
One man's bloat is another man's functionality. Sometimes vitally necessary functionality. I have written long documents in (La-)TeX before dvips was available (and all figures were added by using scissors and glue), with dvips (I think my PhD thesis was the first document at my university that went directly from the laser printer to the print shop, without first using scissors and glue), and with TikZ. They are all useful, but in different fashions. I seriously object to using the pejorative "bloat" to describe useful software.
I seriously object to using the pejorative "bloat" to describe useful software.

Well, let us not call the parts, not every part, but the whole a bloat. tetex was big and contained much more than enough for a normal user, texlive is an exaggeration without limits.

If you install texlive without any effort, without being selective, you have to download and install gigabytes that you do not need.

BTW. I found here an interesting source on PostScript with interesting links at the end:

I am writing my stuff in TeXworks. KBibTeX to prepare bibliography. Both work absolutely fantastic and I wouldn't wish for anything else. One-button PDF generation, half a screen goes to the editor, another half to the preview. I have attached a couple of screenshots.

P.S. Holy cow this thread is ancient!


  • Screenshot_2020-05-20_23-16-28.png
    915.3 KB · Views: 278
  • Screenshot_2020-05-20_23-16-49.png
    958 KB · Views: 234
Meanwhile I played a little with a small file and some basic LaTeX code, and the result is great! Making some drawings with TikZ is relatively easy to begin with. Structuring the text and drawings is more straightforward than I thought (yes, I'll shut up when learning more complicated stuff ;-)
This way I can make documents that go beyond the basic use of markdown, although it is a beautiful way to work.

TNX for your hints!
Meanwhile I played a little with a small file and some basic LaTeX code, and the result is great! Making some drawings with TikZ is relatively easy to begin with. Structuring the text and drawings is more straightforward than I thought (yes, I'll shut up when learning more complicated stuff ;-)
This way I can make documents that go beyond the basic use of markdown, although it is a beautiful way to work.

TNX for your hints!
youu should try ConTeXT, you won't regret it
For personal thinks I moved since years from LaTeX to plain TeX. The important thing for me was to keep the control. The original idea of Knuth was not that people use plain TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt or anything else, but that they write their own formats. But LaTeX became the standard, for publications uniformity is demanded.
Actually, LaTeX is just as configurable as TeX is. The big difference is this: TeX is a formatting package. In a nutshell, you tell it: put this picture here. Make this paragraph right under the picture flow this way. Put a formula here, and put this number next to this formula. Print this line in bold and in a large font, and put this number in front.

LaTeX is a markup package. You don't tell it what to do, you tell it the structure of your document. I have this picture, put it where you think it will look good. This paragraph is the caption for the picture, do the right thing with it. Please number my formulas. The title of this chapter is this, do the appropriate stuff (large font, bold, chapter number). One of the beauty of LaTeX is: You do that, and the table of contents, list of figures, and such all work automagically.

Obviously, the distinction I made is exaggerated. Even in LaTeX source code, you still have lots of formatting commands, like \textbf{important} words get printed in boldface. And even native TeX has some structure commands.

Where raw TeX shines: documents where you need everything aligned just so, and are willing to spend hours tinkering with it. Like a single-page resume.

Where LaTeX shines: very large documents, where structure and cross-referencing and indexing and consistency is vital. My personal record was a 600-page document: It took 3 months to write, we had ~500 authors, and a team of 5 editors, I was the editor in charge of typesetting, graphs, and formatting. It needed a very heavyweight document processing infrastructure, and LaTeX was perfect, because we could do things like cross-referencing (in chapter 7, you say "see Section 3.A. on page 149), or a single coherent bibliography that was pulled from databases, or strict version control on figures (so an author couldn't just change a line in a graph, without some editor checking that the description remained correct: if the purple line goes down, the text can't say "up and to the right"), and stuff like that. For the final runs of running the document through latex and dvips, we used the most heavyweight machine we could afford at a time, an IBM RS/6000 that was large enough to fill a whole rack all by itself (it had several dozen disks, four CPUs, and lots of memory ... hundreds of megabytes). I remember that the final .ps output file was so large, we had to split it into 20-page groups, otherwise the print spoolers died. Then the US government printing office made us several thousand copies, which came back on a pallet by air freight (I was working for a government agency at the time).

A year later, one of our colleagues tried to do the same thing (about same complexity and length) using Microsoft word on Windows: the people they were working with were not comfortable with Unix and LaTeX, and wanted to submit text in Word. This was 1995, so the best they could do was to use Windows NT. Surprisingly enough, it worked pretty well too, and was not particularly more difficult.
We should not forget that TeX is a program of the end of the 1970s where there were computer users, not users of application boxes. Frequently I ask me, why I am programming in this capricious, primitive and complicated language when I only want to write a text. We use it till now perhaps only because LaTeX became a standard. I do not know a real alternative, but I suspect I would not use TeX if I would not have been using it since years and if there were not pressure from outside.