FreeBSD Screen Shots

So, which line in /etc/rc.conf did you comment out? The driver load?

If this is a separate troubleshooting issue, need to start another thread in the appropriate section. Thanks!
So, which line in /etc/rc.conf did you comment out? The driver load?

If this is a separate troubleshooting issue, need to start another thread in the appropriate section. Thanks!

I believe he means the ' kld_list="/boot/modules/i915kms.ko" ' line in /etc/rc.conf

This should not be the reason he sees the red outline for "large black bar". Most likely a xfce4 theme issue. I doubt there to be a bug in the i915kms driver that would do such a thing. Perhaps an odd interaction with i915kms & desktop composting?
Some more improvements.

screenshot_1570766223.png screenshot_1570766257.png
An update:

Moved on from XFCE, decided to just go for it on a WM. Been playing around with dwm and I enjoy it a lot! I may move my main workstation to a WM since I've always been a keyboard guy.

No xorg issues now, and the i915kms.ko file is loaded with no issues!


  • 2019-10-13-120641_1600x900_scrot.png
    274.7 KB · Views: 538
After looking at some of the great desktops people have produced, I wonder what would be involved in creating something like the desktop you get with pmagic.

Anyone know where to start with something like this?

Hopefully your new tutorial will be completed with the inclusion of icons to each of the tools or applications used by the system.

I wouldn't count on it. I already advised you on July 4th that mrclksr has a text file on his page at my site wherein it describes how he implements icons to customize his Fluxbox menu.

Why should I duplicate his work when I don't even use icons? It's freely available as it is.
The mrclksr article is quite confusing.
Because there are users who like to see the system cute with icons.

I googled "use icons with Fluxbox menu" and found these on the first search. It looks easy enough to me:

First you need to run fluxbox -i to see if it was compiled with:


Mine was and I used default settings when compiling from ports.

Then you need to link to the icon behind the menu command to summon that program. In x11-fm/xfe the default titlebar icon is located in /usr/local/share/xfe/icons/gnomeblue-theme/xfe.png. My Xfe entry should look like:

[exec]   (xfe) {xfe} <usr/local/share/xfe/icons/gnomeblue-theme/xfe.png>

The example mrclksr gives in his guide looks just like it:
[exec] (Logout) {dsblogoutmgr -l "fluxbox-remote exit"} </home/ich/.icons/Faenza/actions/48/system-log-out.png>
His guide says to run update_fbmenu but that command was not found so I used $ fluxbox-generate_menu to generate a new menu. It did not show the icon I linked to when I brought up the new menu but it may be due to the size, or not. I don't use them and have work to do so will leave it to you to implement at this point.

Edit: I can't start something and not finish. The image file for the icon must be in the .xpm format. You can create an image or find one you like and "Export As" .xpm from graphics/gimp to where you want to save it.

I made a simple 32x32 red image to test it and saved it as /usr/home/jitte/Images/iconred.xpm. I linked to it from my menu as:

[exec]   (urxvt) {urxvt} </usr/home/jitte/Images/iconred.xpm>

I did not have to do anything else to get an icon on the menu. Guess I can add that to my tutorial.

Here is what it looks like:
