You couldn't drive all that baloney away in a semi-truck if it had an Oscar Meyer logo on the side.
You've done nothing but whine, complain and find blame with FreeBSD for your lack of skill since you've been here. Statements made in light of your inexperience using FreeBSD. Mr.
Barney "Big" Wheel, self-proclaimed Administer of a non-de-script "Company".
I'm going to contact the maker of MultiProxy myself and see what he says about making it available in ports. He was a nice guy and I'm sure he would be thrilled, if I have to learn to do it myself.
The question is no longer "Does Desktop have a future on BSD?". That question is moot.
It has now been turned on the user. "Do you have a future on FreeBSD Desktop?" Here's the evidence to back it up, twice:
View attachment 9400
PC-BSD Admins love for money took prescience over reason and character once Xsystems became involved and the focus changed from doing what's best for their users to what would go along with Xsystems way of running things. I was there for a couple years before they took over, cougar catflipped the fence for the forest fights, and shed that titchy wool disguise like the Obake I am.
When I snuck back in 2 years later Xsystems had moved in, bankrolled it and the forums were now only a means of silent information gathering to keep problems quiet that might make Corporate bottom lines go into the red zone..
Like adding WindowMaker WM to the base install because I posted to the forums saying I was using it and liked it at the time. But totally ignoring my bug report about how their implementation of the FireWall Manager GUO n Isotope 9.0 broke
pf. Not to mention rants and raves falling on deaf ears for 2-3 months without as much as one word to acknowledge they had heard every word I said starting at Day 2.
Hunk a junk Windowmaker and PC-BSD were destined to become and they played a key role in it through beng made to take responsibility for their own Unethical and Inappropriate Behavior.
Viddy well, little brother, and ye shall hear
the story of Weixiong the Ikiryo.
Now Ghosted from Existence along with everything PC-BSD, but me. And that''s where continued Negative Reinforcement comes in at Weixiongs word