14.2 p2. Libreoffice- compiled and runs fine as root but not as user. Opens with the circle/globe graphic

Looks like permissions to me but the port should handle all of that. Nothing obvious in /etc/group. What might be missing? This is the fourth time I've compiled is on various 14.1 and 14.2 BEs. It's the last piece.
If it's a port (editors/libreoffice), I'd suggest the following (as root)
# cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice
# make clean
# make deinstall
# make 
# make reinstall

Basically, become root and recompile the port. If that fails, try installing the package instead.

One idea that I can throw out there is that your DE is somehow misconfigured, but this is just a wild guess based only on the fact that OP can't launch LibreOffice as regular user.

Another idea that I can throw out is to maybe launch LibreOffice from command-line (like Konsole) and see what errors OP gets. Errors should be posted to this thread.
It was compiled as a port, twice. My computer is old but I give it a -j4 and go do other things for a while. lol

Corrupted DE? I can't imagine what that might be; X, fvwm2, mouse... It all runs fine for all apps for root and $USER. It's only Libreoffice that fails. That said, it might be that but I wouldn't know where to start with that.

mini [15] [7:09am] [/home/user]$ libreoffice
/usr/local/bin/libreoffice: Permission denied.

One thing that came to mind is this machine is qt5 and kf5 free, it's all 6. Not that it should matter after the big switch.
Probably some cruft somwhere. I avoid qt and k* stuff as much as I can but will install it where it's necessary. I got into fvwm2 in my Slackware days and I like it. Not big on DEs.

Thanks for the reply.
mini [15] [7:09am] [/home/user]$ libreoffice
/usr/local/bin/libreoffice: Permission denied.
In a bit of sleuthing I mounted a 14.1 boot environment where everything worked including libreoffice. It was a mix of qt5 and 6. /usr/local/bin/libreoffice was actually:
/mnt/usr/local/bin/libreoffice was a soft link to ../lib/libreoffice/program/soffice and soffice was 755.
What's neat is that in setting up a link to test the path I found:
/usr/local/libreoffice/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice, and it was version, and $USER can run it.
So, another try with the latest compile of (I thought this was safe since they have different paths):
/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice "/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice: Permission denied." but, it was 700. So I changed mode on soffice to 755 and ran it as $USER and:

Failed to find intro image
The application cannot be started.
The component manager is not available.
("Cannot obtain UNO_SERVICES from uno ini")

chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/libreoffice/* give the sameUNO_ error. The plan now is to create a new BE, boot into it, blow out Libreoffice, do a find for stragglers and delete them, and reinstall Libreoffice which is still in port's stage directory. It compiled cleanly and is safe. The fact I can run the prior version looks like it's cruft with a path that precedes the path to the installed new version.
In a bit of sleuthing I mounted a 14.1 boot environment where everything worked including libreoffice. It was a mix of qt5 and 6. /usr/local/bin/libreoffice was actually:
/mnt/usr/local/bin/libreoffice was a soft link to ../lib/libreoffice/program/soffice and soffice was 755.
What's neat is that in setting up a link to test the path I found:
/usr/local/libreoffice/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice, and it was version, and $USER can run it.
So, another try with the latest compile of (I thought this was safe since they have different paths):
/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice "/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice: Permission denied." but, it was 700. So I changed mode on soffice to 755 and ran it as $USER and:

Failed to find intro image
The application cannot be started.
The component manager is not available.
("Cannot obtain UNO_SERVICES from uno ini")

chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/libreoffice/* give the sameUNO_ error. The plan now is to create a new BE, boot into it, blow out Libreoffice, do a find for stragglers and delete them, and reinstall Libreoffice which is still in port's stage directory. It compiled cleanly and is safe. The fact I can run the prior version looks like it's cruft with a path that precedes the path to the installed new version.
Clean-out and re-install doesn't work except to give me the prior runs-only-as-root state. The fact that soffice is also re-installed at 700 tells me there's something broken in the install scripting, unless they do some kind of wrapping. I imagine it works for somebody, but not me. I'm done here.
Thank goodness for boot environments...
Well, wow, seems like QT5 really needs to be cleaned out... I compiled everything from scratch on my machine, got 14.2, KDE 6, LibreOffice, some stuff does depend on QT5 anyway, but on my end, I'm not getting the error messages like that, everyhing's running OK...
Did you first run it via sudo / doas to run as root? Perhaps it has created some random cruft in your users $HOME which now causes permission related issues when libreoffice attempts to launch.

Look through your .local/.config/.libreoffice directories and maybe wipe anything relating to libreoffice and try again.