14.2 p2. Libreoffice- compiled and runs fine as root but not as user. Opens with the circle/globe graphic

Looks like permissions to me but the port should handle all of that. Nothing obvious in /etc/group. What might be missing? This is the fourth time I've compiled is on various 14.1 and 14.2 BEs. It's the last piece.
If it's a port (editors/libreoffice), I'd suggest the following (as root)
# cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice
# make clean
# make deinstall
# make 
# make reinstall

Basically, become root and recompile the port. If that fails, try installing the package instead.

One idea that I can throw out there is that your DE is somehow misconfigured, but this is just a wild guess based only on the fact that OP can't launch LibreOffice as regular user.

Another idea that I can throw out is to maybe launch LibreOffice from command-line (like Konsole) and see what errors OP gets. Errors should be posted to this thread.