Looked around a bit and realised it seems like FreeBSD is not having any Bitcoin wallet natively available? I would love to see Electrum ported or maybe some other Bitcoin wallet software which doesn't have to download the whole Bitcoin blockchain database...
Question number 2 is...
I'd like to know if you have a good way of keeping a system completely up to date in a completely automated way.
If my understanding is correct, I can add
42 8 * * * freebsd-update cron
in root's crontab to have the base system (I guess that means the kernel and the programs in /bin)...
Hey guys, i I want to install the MySQL packages on the FreeBSD root, its the first time I am trying to work with a FreeBSD root, and now I have an error. I hope someone can help me to fix it.
"cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server
/usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server # make...
(Some issues in common with https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/pkg-broken-after-ugrading-freebsd-from-10-1-to-10-2.52817/, notably the lack of libucl.so.1)
Before upgrading from 10.1-STABLE to 10.2-RELEASE, pkg was working nicely. After upgrading, libucl.so.1 is missing. This seems very weird...
I have a FreeBSD installation that had an upgrade failure between 8.? and 9.4 (IIRC). In the interest of getting 10.2 working properly on the machine, I downloaded the DVD image and burned a disc. Now I'm trying to figure out how to do the upgrade, and all I can find are instructions pointing...
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