
  1. byrnejb

    pkg starves other processes

    This A.M. I discovered that our imap service was experiencing some sort of performance issue. When I looked into this I discovered this situation at about 08:31: # ps -auwx | grep pkg root 56759 0.0 0.0 11804 2856 - IJ 07:01 0:00.00 /bin/sh -...
  2. illegalcoding /usr/sbin/pkg: Undefined symbol "fetchDebug"

    I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly any attempt to run pkg says /usr/sbin/pkg: Undefined symbol "fetchDebug". I tried reinstalling it from ports, and I got this error /usr/bin/fetch: Undefined symbol "fetchRestartCalls", but I managed to download the file it wanted...
  3. nerozero

    php upgrade - is there a better way to do?

    Hi there At the moment I'm doing php upgrade by collecting information about existing php packages then deleting them and installing newer versions. Is there a better way to do that ? A small script that I'm using so far: #!/bin/sh cfg_ver_cur="php81" cfg_ver_new="php82"...
  4. S

    pkg in jail not working

    Need help: I have just created a new jail 'ha' with 'iocage' on a new FreeBSD 14.0-REALEASE maschine (metal): iocage create -r 14.0-RELEASE --name ha ip4_addr="em0|" Everything worked as expected. Now I want to install some packages inside the jail. No chance: root@ha:~ # pkg...
  5. D

    pkg and Boot Environments

    The freebsd-update utility automatically creates Boot Environment snapshots using bectl if the system supports it. I am curious, does pkg upgrade have any similar capability? I have used beadm and now bectl to create boot environments (then activate them, then update) for a long time, but now...
  6. Freedom

    jails What about creating a jail automatically when installing a package?

    While discovering FreeBSD, jails & related management tools (ezjail, bastille, pot, etc) there is something I can't figure out: Why not give pkg the ability to actually create the jail that will contain the packages we install? something like pkg -cj webserverjail install nginx...
  7. S

    Solved How do I install packages on old versions?

    I have an old machine (10.4-RELEASE) and I need to install Python 3.8 on it. This is my pkg.conf file: FreeBSD: { url: "pkg+${ABI}/quarterly", mirror_type: "srv", signature_type: "fingerprints", fingerprints: "/usr/share/keys/pkg", enabled: yes } This is what...
  8. Cath O'Deray

    pkg: HTTPS by default

    Users of 13.2-RELEASE⋯, stable/13, 14.0⋯, and 15.0-CURRENT can use HTTPS. Example /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf using HTTPS and latest, /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf using HTTPS: root@freebsd:~ # cat /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf FreeBSD: { url...
  9. Cath O'Deray

    Using package build records at This brief guide includes: screenshots an explanation of why the latest option – not to be confused with packages from the main branch of the ports tree (familiarly known as latest) – is not reliable a hint about the current requirement to...
  10. W

    Solved New pkg (1.20.8) missing nginx-full

    Hello all, After do an pkg update and pkg upgrade to version 1.20.8 my nginx-full got de-installed and not update. Then tried do pkg install nginx-full or pkg install www/nginx-full and seems this is not on the list. Error message: pkg install nginx-full Updating FreeBSD repository...
  11. A

    pkg want to install openssl port instead of using the base_openssl

    I removed the openssl port, and need to update many ports, is there a good way to update all the ports that require the openssl to use the base openssl? Also, pkg want to install the openssl port back when I do the pkg install, what can I do to tell pkg to use the base openssl?
  12. L

    Super slow download speed from the FreeBSD website and pkg

    I am currently not on FreeBSD I recently installed FreeBSD again I had this issue every time I have switched to FreeBSD in the past. I asked this question a couple of months ago but none of the answers worked. I decided to ask again maybe this time I can start using FreeBSD. The download speed...
  13. Voltaire

    error when running 'pkg update'

    pkg update Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... Fetching packagesite.pkg: 100% 7 MiB 7.0MB/s 00:01 Processing entries: 0% Newer FreeBSD version for package zxing-cpp: To ignore this error set IGNORE_OSVERSION=yes - package: 1302001 - running kernel: 1301000 Ignore the mismatch...
  14. G

    Solved pkg: Install all dependencies EXCEPT the main package

    I'm trying to update the PHP version on my www/nextcloud instance. As I use the web updater from Nextcloud itself, I "just" want to update all php dependencies "around" my Nextcloud. Basically I want to have a list of all lang/php81 packages required by e.g. nextcloud-php81 - but NOT...
  15. V

    Does pkg backup still exist?

    Hi guys, I was reading and came across pkg backup -r /path/to/pkg.sql but my FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE system with packages from Quarterly says that the command doesn't exist. I even tried pkg alias but didn't find it. Am I missing something or is the...
  16. O

    Preferred method of updating /usr/ports/UPDATING file for use with pkg updating

    Probably most users nowadays use packages and don't update their /usr/ports anymore. What is preferred method to update /usr/ports/UPDATING for use with the pkg updating command? I did not find any in manual pages and searching for "freebsd ports updating pkg updating" is quite useless :)
  17. Spity

    svnweb & fresh ports

    Hi! and ports are the same and are already installed/synchronized by default on fresh install if select ports? If not, how could I install and use them? I'm on 13.2
  18. F

    Pkg versus Ports (mixed approach) confusion

    Hi, I have a newbie question related to being careful not to mix the PKG binary approach with the (building from) Ports approach. The handbook warns against using a mix of these two approaches and the likely eventual collision of binaries, but I think I might be reading it too strictly. Does...
  19. lifepillar

    Intense I/O: found pkg and find running at night

    Last night at about 3am I noticed my server doing a lot of I/O. Top showed first pkg then find being run by root (not in a jail). After several minutes they stopped. Is there a periodic task that is supposed to run those processes? All my services run inside jails. Root has no crontab. Running...
  20. I

    Installing glad nuked my install

    So, something aggravating occurred with freebsd a couple days back, where i was attempting to get into graphics programming, i installed glad, and didn't pay attention, and it deleted my entire desktop and every graphical program, this occurred on 14-CURRENT. Would anyone know why? I'd want to...