pkg install

  1. G

    freebsd 12 no route to host / PKG install

    Two weeks ago (end of December 2019) I installed FreeBSD from USB stick with FREEBSD-12.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd.iso I recall only selecting ipv4 and setting the up to the static IP I wanted my freeBSD box to use. Two days ago there was bad weather and my R7000 was not plugged into UPS during a...
  2. U

    pkg upgrade "Not found" (looking for wrong version)

    Posting a question for once... I have a system which was running 11.1 which I thought I'd update. At first I just wanted to make sure all the software was up to date so ran pkg upgrade. Unfortunately it's producing the following error - pkg...
  3. M

    Solved Mismatch between ports collection and packages repository

    Hello, I'm trying to install urbackup-server package on 11.1-RELEASE system and I get this error: But FreshPorts says that indeed there is archivers/urbackup-server port. It was added to the ports collection on April 15 so I guess the problem is that it takes time to build packages. And here...
  4. B

    Pkg vs Ports

    Which is the best way of install something here, in your thoughts? If you want, you can explain why do you think what you think. You can like pkg You can like Or simply don't have one of your preference and use both or none. Feel free of expound your thoughts and...
  5. E

    pkg install connection timed out issue

    Hello, I have FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9 running within VMWare machine and using NAT as networking option. The problem is that pkg-install can randomly stuck during the installation. If I break the installation process and invoke again, it will stuck somewhere else. In really rare case it can even...
  6. StreetDancer

    LXDE Does anyone else notice pkg install don't add...

    Does anyone else notice when installing packages that it's not until after you install another package; that the previous one is added to the LXDE application launcher? So far this has been the case with 11-Stable and 12-Current. Just wanted to check with the other LXDE users. Cheers :)
  7. Rand0m

    Installing packages in Jails is very slow and causing timeout

    Hi All, I am still quite new to jails and still getting my head around. I am using ezjail and created few jails. Everything is fine apart from pkg install which is very flow and quite often times-out before it finishes downloading all the dependencies. roceed with this action? [y/N]: y...
  8. R

    pkg install => Operation timed out

    Hi, I try to install package via pkg. pkg install xorg Fetching package1.txz:100% Fetching package2.txz:100% pkg: Operation timed out A couple of packages installs but then I got :Operation timed out". I must start the...
  9. T

    pkg install fetch timing out

    Hello all trying to run some pkg installs from FreeBSD running in Jail on FreeNAS 9.10. I am getting various "operation timed out" errors from some packages and not sure why. I am on a 50MB internet connection so speed is not an issue and I have even increased the retry and time out values but...