
  1. Kalero

    Solved Can not ping from a VMware VM with FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE @ OVH (hosting company)

    Hi people, I'm trying to set up a server with FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE on a VMware VM @ OVH (hosting company) but, when I try to ping, I get a "host name lookup failure". It's very strange because I copied /etc/rc.conf and /etc/resolv.conf from the previous working installation with FreeBSD...
  2. S

    Interface stopped DISTRIBUTING 10.2 !!

    Hi, LACP stopped working on FreeBSD-10.2 release with following error : Interface stopped DISTRIBUTING, possible flapping ---------------------------------------------------- More than that, we're unable to execute any command in FreeBSD console. Here is the screenshot where we're trying to...
  3. unknownuser

    Solved FreeBSD VM guest's jail can't be resolved from host

    Hello everyone. I will try to explain my setup as clear as I can. I have a Windows 10 Workstation where I run a FreeBSD VM on VMWare 12. This FreeBSD VM is meant to run multiple Apache/PHP/Wordpress instances on multiple jails. The FreeBSD guest is bridged through the HOST Ethernet NIC, where...
  4. ClayS

    Bridging problems

    I am trying to share a single 10Gb ethernet outlet in my office between two machines by bridging across a FreeBSD server using the second port on its 10Gb card. The bridge works quite well, and the other machine gets network service. The FreeBSD server, however, does not, even though I added an...
  5. Understudy

    Multiple nics and setfib

    Hi All, I am looking to setup two physical nics with two different ip addresses and two different gateways. The basics: 10.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE #0 r286666: Wed Aug 12 19:31:38 UTC 2015 i386 I am looking to make one nic...
  6. S

    Solved 4x1Gbps LACP!

    Hi, We're trying to achieve 4Gbps throughput using 4x1Gbps LACP mode but only able to achieve 2Gbps other 2x1Gbps shows this status : Here is our network config : ================================= Worth mentioning is ...
  7. S

    High interrupt rate!

    Hi, We've been using FreeBSD-10 for video streaming website where FreeBSD serves static content (mp4, jpg) over Nginx+php-fpm & performs FFmpeg encoding for users uploaded videos. Server is utilizing 2Gbps realtime port (2 x 1Gbps LACP) and under load we examined bit high percentage of...
  8. C

    Solved Host to jail networking with vimage

    I've got a bridge1 with several jails' interfaces as members (vnet1:1, vnet1:2, etc) these can pass packets between each other. There's a bhyve instance on the host using tap0 which I've added to bridge1, this tunnel is not able to connect to any of the jail vnet interfaces. Is this to be...
  9. S

    Nginx-FreeBSD slow download!

    Hi, We've recently shifted to FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE due to its robust asynchronous performance for big storage based on .mp4 files. Here is the server specs : 2 x Intel Xeon X5690 96GB DDR3 Memory 12 x 3TB SATA Raid-10 (HBA LSI-9211) ZFS FileSystem with 18TB usable space 2 x 1Gbps LACP (2Gbps...
  10. quamenzullo

    Networking and jails

    Hello, I still have some questions about networking and jails. I could not find the answers in the documentation or forums. I hope my questions are not too dumb. 1. The networking inside jails seems to partly rely on the networking of the host. To get "more" networking features, it is...
  11. F

    Solved iocage Jail cannot escape home network

    Afternoon all, I have a fresh install of FreeBSD 10.2, it’s installed on VirtualBox. I have given the VM 4x virtio-net bridged adaptors—so they appear to be on my home network ( My host rc.conf looks like this: hostname="aglardae" keymap="uk.iso.kbd" ifconfig_vtnet0="DHCP"...
  12. M

    Jails loose network access after a while

    I am using iocage to manage my jails. When I created the jails, I assigned them an address on my LAN with a command similar to: iocage create tag=myjail ip4_addr="re0|" However, after a few hours the network in the jail disconnects. I can't think of a good way to explain it, but I...
  13. eatonphil

    Jail with no internet access

    I am trying to create a jail on a VPS following this guide on networked jails with a single ip. However, I have no internet access within the jail. Though I do have internet access on the host. Here is my ifconfig from the host: vtnet0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST>...