
  1. uzsolt

    Slow downloading from own server

    I've a strange problem (I hope it's strange only for me :) ). I've a small VPS and I can download anything only with slow speed. I can download from any other webpage (for example the FreeBSD's ISO files) with normal speed. I can log into another server and I can download good speed from my VPS...
  2. A

    Solved Network performance tuning question

    Hello, I see the following log messages related to network (hn- synthetic Hyper-V network interface): % tail /var/log/messages Aug 25 09:44:58 rgt011fw kernel: hn0: exceed max page buffers,37,32 Aug 25 09:44:58 rgt011fw kernel: hn0: exceed max page buffers,37,32 Aug 25 09:44:58 rgt011fw kernel...
  3. Jared Manning

    I'm interested in studying operating systems

    Specifically UNIX-like administration and (eventually) low-level development. I'm currently studying for my CCNA Routing & Switching and the like to get me in the job market. There is no way I can currently consider taking out a college loan in the US, so I'm looking for books or online...
  4. T

    Solved Raspberry Pi B+ - no power to USB/Network

    Hardware: Brand new Raspberry Pi B+ Software : FreeBSD-10.1-STABLE-arm-armv6-RPI-B-20150217-r278906.img.bz2 dd'd the uncompressed img file to an 8GB micro sdCARD, inserted into RPB+, applied power - green LED goes out within 1-2 seconds. Nothing appears to be happening. Note 1: The FreeBSD...