
  1. D

    FreeBSD/Nginx/MySQl/PHP/et al: tuning and monitoring security/performance

    For some time now I've had an idea regarding a web project. Recently I decided to stop pondering and just give it a go. Since I already have some previous FreeBSD experience (got a ZFS NAS at home) and also have some Wordpress knowledge, this is what I basically ended up with: A cheap 5$...
  2. xmj

    fractal cells - FreeBSD-based All-In-One solution for software development startups

    I’ve been working hard on ‪fractal cells, creating the All-In-One solution for software development startups. With fractal cells, you can easily transform a stock FreeBSD server into a fractal cells production environment. The hardware requirements are simple: You can run it on a VPS as small...
  3. C

    Starting in Web server hosting and administration

    Hello all, Not entirely sure where to put this thread. I've got a VPS at DigitalOcean with FreeBSD 10.2 on it that I use for my wife's business site and my own personal site. However, someone has asked me to develop a site for them and host it. I used to be a web designer, and I still code...
  4. dvl@

    System metrics - what tools do you use?

    What tools are you using to collect system metrics? I am asking about IO throughput, temperature, disk space used, etc. I want to have the pretty graphs too. To be clear, I'm not asking about monitoring tools, such as Nagios, which I'm already using.
  5. Oko

    ZFS Health and Status Monitoring

    What is recommended way to monitor ZFS Health and Status? I am shamelessly using knowledge transfer from FreeNAS to FreeBSD to configure S.M.A.R.T daemon. However I don't see ZFSd on 10.0.3 TrueOS. However running zpool status -x seems rather impractical. Is there a collectd plug in for...
  6. Sebulon

    Enterprise-class reporting/monitoring with Graphite

    Hey all, I´ve been rather jealous over those very fancy reporting graphs[1] included in FreeNAS got me reading this[2] article that explains how to set that up manually. That information is priceless in times when your system just feels wrong, but you´re not exactly sure why. Those graphs can...
  7. W

    Strange Nagios problem

    I'm running 9.1-RELEASE and just installed Nagios because Zabbix has a bug and won't work correctly with my new version of PHP. I'm new to Nagios but not to FreeBSD, all my production stuff runs FreeBSD. Nagios is running fine except for two problems that are driving me crazy. First off, it is...
  8. fred974

    FreeBSD Monitoring

    Hello everyone, I have been playing with both FreeBSD and FreeNAS for a while now. My question is, what is the application used in FreeNAS that lets you see the system visually? I like the fact that I can see my CPU/RAM report as well as what resources my jails are using. Is this something that...
  9. GreenX

    Is it possible to source-based routing without the use of PF?

    The situation is as follows: there is a server for multiple services. Services put in jail (for example: monitoring zabbix). In jails, gray addresses and a separate interface for them, and internal networks. The main interface uses "white" ip address, but it is not so important. It is...
  10. Zare

    Simple web-based network monitoring

    I already have a big Nagios installation. Now there's need for something simple. It should be able to ping something (SNMP would be a plus), record and archive results, send alerts, and it should be configurable right from the web interface (managing monitored hosts). I'd appreciate if anyone...
  11. J

    performance monitoring

    I am attempting to set up a monitoring solution using zabbix. Im primarily a windows admin, so my BSD knowledge is a little rusty. Anyway is there en equivilent to typeperf -qx > counters.txt command? Anything to list any performance counters. Thanks Jason
  12. W

    Network monitoring tool

    I'm looking for a basic tool to monitor bandwidth on my machine so i can effectively set up altq. I remember using ntop of pfsense but it used to crash every 2-3 minutes...any thoughts? all i really need is a graph showing my bandwidth throughout the day.