My project and FreeBSD

I gave up Windows. Now I'm juggling Linux distributions.
I have experience with Linux - I'd say I'm an average Linux user.
I had FreeBSD for a while. Now I want to come back because we hear a lot about FreeBSD being a very good operating system.

I'm creating a project - an mmorpg game.
The game consists of an engine and a game client. The engine can be compiled under FreeBSD because I saw the guide. But I'm more interested in the game client.
The client will ultimately be used on Ubuntu / Windows. In addition, the game client will use a Bluetooth device.

I decided to set up a virtual machine on FreeBSD and install e.g. Windows there and test the client there.
The biggest mystery for me is whether I will be able to redirect FreeBSD or share bluetooth with a virtual machine.
The game client uses the bluetooth device by reading the com port

Now the real question is, is it possible to place a Windows virtual machine on FreeBSD and redirect Bluetooth so that the Windows game client can recreate the COM port?

I know I won't know until I check, but maybe there are some tips.

Sounds an interesting project. Do you already have a name for that project?
If I understand your post correctly, you have FreeBSD installed, and are using a virtual machine to run Windows.
FreeBSD's bhyve allows for a hardware passthrough to a virtual machine. The downside to this is that the device then becomes invisible to the FreeBSD host. There are several ways of doing this, and many different tutorials along with the relevant man pages available.

If you are using virtualbox, I am not sure how that will work.
All my real work (development) is on the Windows platform for Windows clients.
My just-completed project was extracting all the EXIF data from JPG headers.
The heavy lifting was all written in inline ASM under Delphi 7.
ASM is ideal for translating big-endian orientation (Motorola/Apple) to little-ending (Intel, everything else)

My FBSD use is the DNSmasq that runs in a VM hosted on the ESXi platform.
My main FBSD use is XigmaNAS.

I have zero interest in emulators, which by their very nature, induce layers of "slow down" and complexity that I don't want.
My FBSD use is the DNSmasq that runs in a VM hosted on the ESXi platform.
DNSMasq isn't a virtualization layer, it's a service that can provide DHCP and DNS for a small network. But you have a FreeBSD VM running on ESXi and then use another virtualization layer on FreeBSD to run Windows? So that's a VM in a VM? Why don't you simply run Windows as a VM on ESXi directly?

My main FBSD use is XigmaNAS.
Not supported here.

Sorry, if I wasn't more clear:
I have a FBSD base install in a VM under ESXi.
DNSMasq runs on that base install.
That is the only FBSD I run except for XigmaNAS on its own Xeon hardware.

I have 30 Windows VMs on the ESXi system for various and specific needs.
Each is powered up as needed, then shut down when no longer needed.

For example, Turbo Tax refuses to launch on anything older than Win10, so it runs on a Win10 VM.
I keep Visual Studio versions on separate VMs for purity.