I updated the Metasploit-Framework and it doesn't open anymore.

😞 I was happy that Metasploit got an update after long time. After updating it just won't start.


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debootstrap has scripts to install kali linux

so you could install kali linux in a linuxulator chroot or a jail

ls /usr/local/share/debootstrap/scripts

Did you update bundle?
# cd /usr/local/share/metasploit
# bundle update
# bundle install

Kali has a script that does all the administration at starting metasploit (database, update of rubygems) but on FreeBSD you need to do this yourself.
You shouldn't need to do that. The port/package should install all required dependencies. For some unknown reason it pulls in three different versions of rack (3.0.10, 2.2.9 and 1.6.13).
The MSF team needs regular FreeBSD users to give them feedback with each release. Nearly all team members use Linux so it's up to us to do the testing and give feedback. Count me as guilty as I've not had time to pursue this.
hi SirDice thanks for the link i will describe this issue there with the screenshot. what else do i have to post there? any sort of logs? or just this error message? because this seems to be a core problem instead of a specific problem to me only.
or just this error message?
Yes, no screenshots, just copy/paste the error message.

because this seems to be a core problem instead of a specific problem to me only.
It's not just you. Just installed from a clean build server:
dice@chibacity:~ % msfconsole
Could not find compatible versions

Because every version of sinatra depends on rack >= 3.0.0, < 4
  and every version of thin depends on rack >= 1, < 3,
  every version of sinatra is incompatible with thin >= 0.
And because every version of metasploit-framework depends on thin >= 0,
  every version of sinatra is incompatible with metasploit-framework >= 0.
So, because every version of metasploit-framework depends on sinatra >= 0
  and Gemfile depends on metasploit-framework >= 0,
  version solving has failed.

I think it might have something to do with www/rubygem-sinatra, maybe it's too new. Ruby gems can be finicky. There's a www/rubygem-sinatra1 and www/rubygem-sinatra2, I'm kind of expecting it needs a non-existent rubygem-sinatra3.
For giggles, tried rubygem-sinatra2. Builds but then complains about missing devel/rubygem-mini_portile2. If you fix that:

dice@chibacity:~ % msfconsole
Metasploit tip: Start commands with a space to avoid saving them to history

# cowsay++
< metasploit >
       \   ,__,
        \  (oo)____
           (__)    )\
              ||--|| *

       =[ metasploit v6.3.50-dev                          ]
+ -- --=[ 2384 exploits - 1235 auxiliary - 417 post       ]
+ -- --=[ 1388 payloads - 46 encoders - 11 nops           ]
+ -- --=[ 9 evasion                                       ]

Metasploit Documentation: https://docs.metasploit.com/

msf6 >
In the Makefile:
                rubygem-sinatra>=0:www/rubygem-sinatra \
Change sinatra to sinatra2 (both sides). And add this line, also under RUN_DEPENDS:
              rubygem-mini_portile2>=2.8.2:devel/rubygem-mini_portile2 \
That gets it to build correctly, and msfconsole works. But I don't know enough of metasploit to test if everything else works correctly.