ZFS zfs sharenfs property ignored when mounting encrypted datasets

Hi, I'm on 14.0-RELEASE and wondering if that is intended behaviour. I have an encrypted dataset with "sharenfs" property set (and indeed intent to share once mounted) but after loading the key and mounting, the dataset is not automatically exported (/etc/zfs/exports is empty) so I have to issue zfs set sharenfs=on in order for it to actually get exported.
Is this how it should be?
According to zfsprops(7), sharing needs a zfs share to be issued.
According to zfs-share(8), this command is invoked in the boot process.
It seems it is run by the zfs service (/etc/rc.d/zfs).

So if your zfs dataset isn't decrypted or absent when the zfs service is executed, there is no reason that the shares be active.

zfs mount doesn't automatically share datasets, if I read well the man pages.