X server & jails

I was thinking about a dependency conflict [1] that prevents me from installing KDE4 and Gnome2 at same time and I came up with a fancy idea.

Is it possible to install KDE4 in a jail, Gnome2 in another one and use them to draw on the X server running on the host system?

Has anyone tried something like that?

[1] http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=14981
I'm searching for a method to test programs in a jailed environment.

There is another option, to use a Xserver inside a jail. But that needs some patching, and I'm not sure, if that particular method described in [1] works on your FreeBSD.

Maybe with a Xnest() server that connects to your outside Xorg(7) server. But not sure if Xnest can be run inside a jail (seems to be good shot, look at [2]).

[1] http://docs.freebsd.org/cgi/getmsg.cgi?fetch=3431+0+archive/2008/freebsd-jail/20080316.freebsd-jail -> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-jail/2008-March/000217.html

[2] http://www.the-labs.com/FreeBSD/JailTools/cookbook.html#x11_for_each_jail
Thanks, Nukama.

The links you gave are quite interesting, but on a slightly different subject. Running an entire X server and desktop environment in a jail and connecting/seeing that X server via vnc should be very appealing for the hosting companies.

However I want it the other way round - to run X on the host system as usual and start KDE or Gnome from a jail. I'm quite sleepy now, but tomorrow I guess I'll try to implement that setup on my desktop.
I had the time to test the idea. It works. :)

ezjail-admin create gnome.machine.example.com
Xnest :1 -ac
ezjail-admin console gnome
pkg_add -r xorg
pkg_add -r gnome2
export DISPLAY=host.machine.example.com:1

Voilà! Jailed Gnome shines on the host's Xnest server!
FreeBSD wins again! :)
dbi can you produce same results in PC-BSD warden jail? Or can you suggest what to do? I want the same thing with warden jail system.
rockworldmi said:
dbi can you produce same results in PC-BSD warden jail ?? or can you suggest what to do ? i want the same thing with warden jail system..

Sorry. My PC-BSD usage is limited to several hours in total just to take a look at it. I'm not familiar with the "warden jail" concept.
Just tried with Xnest and Xorg in Portjail (to not mess with the PC-BSD system), and Xorg and pekwm in a Warden jail and it worked.

Yes, I jumped onto the bandwagon of lazy PC-BSD users :e
I hat a try at this and would like to add that I had to force Xnest :1 -listen tcp in order to get it working (I din't need the -ac, all local clients were allowed).

So here are my steps with FreeBSD 11.0 – ezjails was installed and I have a cloned loopback device for the jails and the hostname is host and obviosly can be found in the /etc/hosts:

pkg install xorg-nestserver
ezjail-admin create gnomejail 'lo1|'
Xnest :1 -listen tcp
ezjail-admin console gnomejail
pkg install xorg
pkg install gnome3-lite
setenv DISPLAY host:1

It worked, sure the gnome session failed, but hey, the error message showed up on the :1 display.