Solved VirtualBox symbol error

It's possible this belongs in a different section, but since it's to do with VirtualBox I'm initially putting this in Emulation and Virtualization; my eventual goal is to use VirtualBox's USB passthrough to pass my webcam to a Linux VM (I've spent quite a long time trying to make Zoom work with the linuxulator, but the recent updates to require pipewire seem to have stopped that in its tracks).

I'm running 13.2-RELEASE-p4, with quarterly packages, and have just installed virtualbox-ose from binary packages. But running the VirtualBox command yields an errror:
$ virtualbox /usr/local/lib/virtualbox/ Undefined symbol "_ZN11QToolButton13checkStateSetEv@Qt_5"
I went and manually installed Qt5, but the error persists. Any suggestions? Am I missing an undeclared system dependency?

For completeness I'll mention that I've set the relevant loader and rc variables, though this looks like a straightforward linker error, failing before there's even an opportunity for missing services or configurations to enter the picture.