vim randomly pastes yanked content

Does it happen when you run vim without scripts?

vim -u NORC
vim -u NONE

Also, try this: vim -c "normal qa".

That should start vim in recording mode. Then hit q to end recording, and :reg a to check the contents of register "a." Is there a leading "p" inside that register?

Or run vim in debug mode: vim -D.
I had the same problem as well...

Thanks to people on IRC I have now a workaround:

I put this block in the top of my ~/.vimrc

" keep vim in xterm clean
set all&
highlight clear
augroup vimrcEx
augroup END
set mouse=
" local stuff follows ...
I had the same problem as well...

Thanks to people on IRC I have now a workaround:

I put this block in the top of my ~/.vimrc

" keep vim in xterm clean
set all&
highlight clear
augroup vimrcEx
augroup END
set mouse=
" local stuff follows ...

Those settings did not work me. These did:

set t_RS=                                                                
set t_RC=
set t_SH=

I'm not sure if all three are needed, but I have not been able to reproduce the problem with just those three lines added to my ~/.vimrc.
Sorry, I didn't have much time to figure this out. I've just replaced vim by neovim a couple of weeks ago. No problem there.