jails Using OCI container images with jails

I was curious to see if it is possible to use the new OCI container images with
standard jail tooling (not podman).

The following script downloads and untars the 14.2 image:


set -eu -o pipefail


if [ $# != 1 ]
  echo Usage:  ociimagextract.sh /path/to/output/directory
  echo         Default OCI image: $OCI_IMAGE_URL
  echo         To use a different image set OCI_IMAGE_URL:
  echo         OCI_IMAGE_URL=https://other-image-url ociimagextract.sh /path/to/output/directory
  exit 1


which jq
if [ $? != 0 ]
  echo Could not find jq command
  echo You can install jq using "pkg install jq"
  exit 1

mkdir -p $TARGET
DIR=`mktemp --directory`
fetch -q -o - $OCI_IMAGE_URL | tar -xzvpf - -C$DIR
TOPDIGEST=`cat $DIR/index.json | jq -r .manifests[0].digest | tr ':' '/'`
DIGESTS=`cat $DIR/blobs/$TOPDIGEST | jq -r '.layers[] | .digest' | tr ':' '/'`

 cat $DIR/blobs/$DIGEST | tar -xzvpf - -C$TARGET

echo jail root filesystem directory created at $TARGET

If you create a minimal jail config in /etc/jails.conf.d/minimal.conf, eg

minimal {
exec.start += "/bin/echo \"while true; do sleep 1d; done\" | /bin/sh &";
host.hostname = "${name}";
path = "/usr/local/jails/${name}";

And create the related mountpoint

zfs create -o mountpoint=/usr/local/jails/minimal root/jails/minimal

you can run the above script to download and extract the OCI image contents into a directory

sh ociimageextract.sh /usr/local/jails/minimal

and create the jail with

# jail -c minimal

the jail is pretty small at 16M

# jexec minimal df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
root/jails/minimal 55G 16M 55G 0% /

If you add networking to the jail's config you can then add pkg support from inside the jail by running

# /usr/bin/env PACKAGESITE=https://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:14:amd64/latest /usr/sbin/pkg bootstrap -y

Eg I then installed isc-cron (regular cron wasn't working) with

# pkg install -y isc-cron

(I changed the start to exec.start += "/usr/local/sbin/cron")

So it does seem possible on some level to use the OCI images with regular jails, though
it may only be useful for experimenting.
I was wondering the same thing. Very cool.

Warning (this next statement make make you dumber): Not directly down the same path, but possibly on the same track (I think?); I was also thinking about employing `tarfs` in a similar manner. The thought I had was ready made jail containers with preinstalled packages which could be (un)mounted and spun up with jail. i.e., setup, tar it, share it, jail it.

Also, I've been having a hard time "picking up shell script" (brain is probably at capacity) and your script taught me at least two things. So, thank you.