Updating the host without updating jail ( security )

Hey , this is a general freebsd system architecture question , but I hope this is the correct sub forum .

Let's assume there is a security bug in the kernel a new release was published.
When I update my host with freebsd-update to a new p2 Release followed by a reboot . I don't touch the jail they stay on p1 .

My assumption is that the bug is in the kernel , the jail is getting the fix automatically , because a jail is just a copy of the kernel of the host system ?

I am not really sure if I am right, because I know I can update my host system to a new major version let's say 14 and the jail can still run under 13 , that does not work good with my assumption above.

Which of my statements is wrong ?

Thank you, very much !
Jails don't have a copy of the host kernel, they use it, even if the RELEASE version of the jail is inferior to the one of the host. This is why you can't have a RELEASE version of a jail superior to the one of the host.

Jails don't have a kernel.
Smart people will answer that question better than I can, but here is what I know, a jail doesn't have a kernel if you enter the command freebsd-version -k it will show nothing good ;)
If I am not wrong a jail has is own userland and set of directories and processes that make it work independently of the host.
EDIT: oops too slow ...
In general, you can run older jails on newer hosts.
But in case of huge version differences some applications may not work.
Especially the applications who communicating with the kernel.
There are: top, ps, netstat and many other.

Based on my experience, you may have some runtime issues if the difference of major version numbers is 2 or more.
(i.e. host=14.x, jail=12.x)