Updating from source - Handbook confusion


Handbook chapter 24: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/

24.5.1. Quick Start:
# git pull /usr/src 
check /usr/src/UPDATING 
# cd /usr/src         
# make -j4 buildworld 
# make -j4 kernel     
# shutdown -r now     
# etcupdate -p        
# cd /usr/src         
# make installworld   
# etcupdate -B        
# shutdown -r now

24.5.4. Building from source:
# cd /usr/src
# make buildworld
# make buildkernel

I see make kernel and make buildkernel. What's up with that? Is this a simple mistake and I can submit a PR or is there more to it?

It would also seem that make installkernel is missing in the Quick Start section.
It is stated in the handbook where they explain the numbers:
5Compile and install the kernel. This is equivalent to make buildkernel installkernel.
Also, see manual build(7) which states:
"kernel Equivalent to buildkernel followed by installkernel"

Later on in the 24.5.5 section it mentions installing as a follow on from 24.5.4.
They likely keep this completely separate because some organisations, like mine, only do "distributekernel" and "packagekernel".
For part of what's required, see the COMMON ITEMS section of your /usr/src/UPDATING

<https://cgit.freebsd.org/src/tree/UPDATING?id=e641c29a006ae9f528f196386052355b42a53d75#n2455> is a subsection as it appeared a few days ago.

If you use a desktop environment, it's sane to log out before performing the installations.

FreeBSD bug 209744 – Move installation instructions from UPDATING to new file

In the context of a sane logout from a desktop environment, you might (condensed):
  1. make buildkernel
  2. log out
  3. Control-Alt-F2
  4. make installkernel
– to not insanely risk the installation somehow pulling the rug up from under the feet of your DE.

Non-condensed, with use of boot environments (but NB this is highly personalised, for the way that I work with main):
jbodenmann you have a variety of computers at your disposal so I guess, you'll rarely want to limit the numbers of jobs.