unable to boot FreeBSD 13.2 installation cd on PowerBook G3 333MHz

I'm trying to install FreeBSD on my PowerBook G3 lombard but the installation cd won't boot. Specifically, I've written the "FreeBSD-13.2-RELEASE-powerpc-disc1.iso" file. The SHA512 checksum matches. To boot the cd, I enter openfirmware by holding cmd+option+o+f and once in openfirmware, I enter the "boot menu" with the command "multi-boot". Once in multi-boot I select the cd and hit the "start up" button. When booting the cd, the drive sounds funny (speeding up and slowing down repeatedly) if that has anything to do with it. Eventually, the boot process seems to get stuck on "random: unblocking device." I can boot from other installation disks like debian 8.10 and fedora 12 but so far not FreeBSD. Why is this happening and what am I doing wrong? Do I need an older version of FreeBSD like freebsd 12? Is it something completely different?
I'm leaving the laptop running overnight to make sure it's not just taking forever to boot but I've gone through the same process before to no avail.

UPDATE: after leaving it overnight, it is still stuck on "random: unblocking device." and the cd drive has spun down but there's still heat coming from the computer. I'm going to leave it running for a couple hours more but I doubt it will change much.