Hello everyone, i've been setting up a pentest workstation on FreeBSD,i have had a lot of struggle on making Burp Suite work, so i'm writing this tutorial to spare you all such pain.
This tutorial has been tested on FreeBSD 13.0 Release and Burpsuite v2022.1.1. But it likely works on other versions too!
First what is Burp Suite.
Burp Suite is a framework for web pentesting, it has many tools such as a proxy to intercept HTTP requests and a bruteforcing tool.
It has become an industry standard in pentesting and you (kind of) have to know how to use it.
It has some free and open source alternatives such as Mitmproxy and Owasp Zap.
Before we start:
1- Burp suite is closed source software, if you are generally distrustful of proprietary software like i am, you may want to think before following this tutorial.
2- We will use a CentOS 7 base for this tutorial, the instructions may vary if you use a SUSE base for example.
3- We will be dealing with the burp suite community edition as it's free.
# Means that a command must be run with root permissions.
$ Means that you don't need root permissions to run a command.
With that out of the way, let's get started.
Setting up linux compatibility.
First you should make sure the "linux" and "linux64" kernel modules are loaded.
To do that run
If "linux.ko" and "linux64.ko" appear somewhere, then you're good.
Otherwise run
Then you must install the linux CentOS7 base.
To do that run
You must also install linux xorg libraries in order to run linux GUI programs.
To do that:
Finally, make sure the linux service has been started.
For this append
Now you are all good to run Burpsuite.
Installing and running Burp Suite.
Download Burp Suite community edition for Linux 64 bits at https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/professional-community-2022-1-1?requestededition=community.
This should download a bash script.
After downloading it cd into its directory and run it with bash.
This should pop a straightforward GUI installer.
NOTE: After the install an error will be thrown, ignore it.
Now cd into your home directory, a BurpSuiteCommunity directory should be there, it should contain a burpsuite_community jar file and a jre folder.
cd into it and run
And voila ! A GUI prompt asking you to accept the license should appear, accept it and then congratulations. You got burp suite running on FreeBSD.
Everything should work except the embedded browser, you may also encounter some random crashed but those dont happen very often.
Extras (OPTIONAL).
If you don't want to repeat the same weird command to run burpsuite, you can make a shell script to run it.
Create a file named burpsuite in /usr/local/bin. I will do it using the nano text editor for the sake of simplicity.
Then write the following to it:
Save and then run
And tadam! You can run burpsuite by simple typing "burpsuite" in your terminal!.
I hope this tutorial will help people struggling to get this tool working on FreeBSD.
This tutorial has been tested on FreeBSD 13.0 Release and Burpsuite v2022.1.1. But it likely works on other versions too!
First what is Burp Suite.
Burp Suite is a framework for web pentesting, it has many tools such as a proxy to intercept HTTP requests and a bruteforcing tool.
It has become an industry standard in pentesting and you (kind of) have to know how to use it.
It has some free and open source alternatives such as Mitmproxy and Owasp Zap.
Before we start:
1- Burp suite is closed source software, if you are generally distrustful of proprietary software like i am, you may want to think before following this tutorial.
2- We will use a CentOS 7 base for this tutorial, the instructions may vary if you use a SUSE base for example.
3- We will be dealing with the burp suite community edition as it's free.
# Means that a command must be run with root permissions.
$ Means that you don't need root permissions to run a command.
With that out of the way, let's get started.
Setting up linux compatibility.
First you should make sure the "linux" and "linux64" kernel modules are loaded.
To do that run
$ kldstat
in a terminal.If "linux.ko" and "linux64.ko" appear somewhere, then you're good.
Otherwise run
# kldload linux
and # kldload linux64
.Then you must install the linux CentOS7 base.
To do that run
# pkg install linux_base-c7
.You must also install linux xorg libraries in order to run linux GUI programs.
To do that:
# pkg install linux-c7-Xorg-libs
Finally, make sure the linux service has been started.
For this append
to /etc/rc.conf (to start it at boot) and run # service linux start
Now you are all good to run Burpsuite.
Installing and running Burp Suite.
Download Burp Suite community edition for Linux 64 bits at https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/professional-community-2022-1-1?requestededition=community.
This should download a bash script.
After downloading it cd into its directory and run it with bash.
$ bash burpsuite_community_linux_*.sh
.This should pop a straightforward GUI installer.
NOTE: After the install an error will be thrown, ignore it.
Now cd into your home directory, a BurpSuiteCommunity directory should be there, it should contain a burpsuite_community jar file and a jre folder.
cd into it and run
$ ./jre/bin/java --illegal-access=permit -noverify -jar burpsuite_community.jar
.And voila ! A GUI prompt asking you to accept the license should appear, accept it and then congratulations. You got burp suite running on FreeBSD.
Everything should work except the embedded browser, you may also encounter some random crashed but those dont happen very often.
Extras (OPTIONAL).
If you don't want to repeat the same weird command to run burpsuite, you can make a shell script to run it.
Create a file named burpsuite in /usr/local/bin. I will do it using the nano text editor for the sake of simplicity.
# nano /usr/local/bin/burpsuite
.Then write the following to it:
path/to/the/BurpSuiteCommunity/folder/jre/bin/java --illegal-access=permit -noverify -jar path/to/BurpSuiteCommunity/folder/burpsuite_community.jar
Save and then run
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/burpsuite
.And tadam! You can run burpsuite by simple typing "burpsuite" in your terminal!.
I hope this tutorial will help people struggling to get this tool working on FreeBSD.
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