Other Sway Not Loading Custom Configuration on FreeBSD

I’m using FreeBSD with the Sway window manager, and I’m encountering an issue where my custom Sway configuration isn’t being applied. When I log into Sway, it defaults to the default Sway configuration instead of my custom setup.

Additionally, I can’t open a terminal using the Mod key (Mod+Enter), and I can only move the mouse between windows. Attempting to switch workspaces using Mod+1 or Mod+2 doesn’t work either. I’m unable to open apps or interact with the system beyond moving the mouse.

When I restart and boot into my Bash shell instead of Sway, I can see that my custom configuration is present in ~/.config/sway/config. However, Sway seems to ignore it during startup. The background also reverts to the default Sway image instead of my custom wallpaper.
You should start off with "how are you starting sway" and go from there.

  • Are you running a display manager (to log in)
  • If so, what is the DM calling to launch sway
And... in there, you will probably find your answer.

> terminal using the Mod key (Mod+Enter),

Sort out the first problem, first.
If you dont have terminal emulator installed - it wont run mod+1 plus Enter.
To run custom Sway config you have to do same as i3 - specify it .. i think its option -c , maybe im wrong - used i3 ages ago.
I would suggest install i3 and modify its config then try to install sway and use i3 config ( interchangeable ) .. obviously do all of it once you rebuild your nuked device.
I, when trying out Wayland according to documentation, found out that alacritty terminal emulator did not launch due to missing system fonts, so maybe that's caused by it. This command below should return any font.

% fc-match monospace
NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mono" "Regular"

I opened a report about it. PR 283633
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