1. Some messages are available after booting (using dmesg), but some are not. What's up with that? A lot of the time, the messages that I want to see aren't included in dmesg.
2. For messages that aren't available in dmesg, are they captured elsewhere?
3. The output during boot seems overly verbose (I'm being kind), is there a way to route non-error messages to a file and not display them during the boot process?
4. Scroll lock doesn't seem to work (or CTRL-S) is this a configuration issue?
5. If I CTRL-arrow up, it will scroll, but only 24 lines (approx), is there another way to scroll back (I'm using i915 module)?
I have read Vermaden's post on quieting the boot process at https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/freebsd-desktop-part-1-simplified-boot/, but he's using a combination of redirection and flag setting:
and in various rc.d scripts 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
I don't like the approach for a couple of reasons (but I appreciate his writeup) - 1) it seems to lose information and 2) I do want to see error messages as they happen.
What I would like see is an ability to set a flag boot_mute_informational_message="YES" or boot_show_error_only="YES" style control. Is this something anyone else has asked for or desired or am I just too demanding (Solaris is my model on this, just like Vermaden).
2. For messages that aren't available in dmesg, are they captured elsewhere?
3. The output during boot seems overly verbose (I'm being kind), is there a way to route non-error messages to a file and not display them during the boot process?
4. Scroll lock doesn't seem to work (or CTRL-S) is this a configuration issue?
5. If I CTRL-arrow up, it will scroll, but only 24 lines (approx), is there another way to scroll back (I'm using i915 module)?
I have read Vermaden's post on quieting the boot process at https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/freebsd-desktop-part-1-simplified-boot/, but he's using a combination of redirection and flag setting:
and in various rc.d scripts 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
I don't like the approach for a couple of reasons (but I appreciate his writeup) - 1) it seems to lose information and 2) I do want to see error messages as they happen.
What I would like see is an ability to set a flag boot_mute_informational_message="YES" or boot_show_error_only="YES" style control. Is this something anyone else has asked for or desired or am I just too demanding (Solaris is my model on this, just like Vermaden).