So I know this is the main NOOB question--- can I get by on a 128GB System Drive

Have not touched linux (redhat) since right before xwindows was new.

My plan is to set up a machine from used parts to work like a file server with a bunch of Raid5 of 4TB spinny HDD's and its main job will just be to nightly make backup copies of my PLEX media repository.

But I would like to install some kinda xwindows type GUI shell... very new to all the many components in FreeBSD.

So Networking (Probably Wifi to start), kernel, software raid like ZFS.

Sooo... could I squeak by on a mirror set of 128GB M.2 SSD (non-NVME) drives? I'm thinking I might need to use the Mobo to Mirror the boot mirror set.
I have servers (VMs) with 40GB and even that has plenty of room to spare. It all depends on what you do obviously, but the base OS itself doesn't require much.
My plan is to set up a machine from used parts to work like a file server with a bunch of Raid5 of 4TB spinny HDD's and its main job will just be to nightly make backup copies of my PLEX media repository.

So Networking (Probably Wifi to start), kernel, software raid like ZFS.

Sooo... could I squeak by on a mirror set of 128GB M.2 SSD (non-NVME) drives? I'm thinking I might need to use the Mobo to Mirror the boot mirror set.

If it's only a going to be a file server, there's probably not a significant advantage in taking the OS off the RAID array. If you are going to boot from a mirror I'd use a ZFS mirror.

The RAID for the spinning disks would be RAIDZ under ZFS.
Ok cool beans. I was just assuming booting from something using ZFS would be a chicken and egg problem but that is just cause I don’t understand it yet.

I’ll see about booting from a ZFS mirror.