ZFS Snapshot rollback question

Greetings all,

let us say that a snapshot of a data-set has been created, e.g. zfs snapshot tank/data-set@today . The snapshot has then been transferred to a different server, e.g., /storage/backup/data-set@today. With zfs rollback storage/backup/data-set@today, the resulting mount-point will be /storage/backup/data-set.

However, what if one wanted the data-set to be in a different location, e.g., /storage/my_videos/data-set, perhaps because the storage/my_videos has properties set for video files, eg., recordsize, atime, etc. Is it possible to do so in one step, instead of rolling it back to the defaults location and then copy/move it to the final location?

Kindest regards,

Take a look at the FreeBSD handbook. Sections 19.4.5 and 19.4.6 answer your questions. You can compare the current data set to the snapshot, get read only access to
copy files out of the snapshot, or make a new dataset (clone) from another dataset's snapshot.

Hi achanler,

perhaps my comprehensions is lacking, but I do not see any text describing how I can rollback a snapshot in its original data-set into a different data-set.

Could you please quote the text?

Kindest regards,
