Shell configuration, terminal-&command-line colors ?

Do you use something "specific" setting for colors in your shell , eg in fish or zsh

In .zshrc I have,
alias zz='gnuls --color '
export TERM=xterm-256color
export COLORTERM=yes
export COLORFGBG="default;default"
export LSCOLORS="cEgxcxdxbxegedabagacad"
export EXA_COLORS="di=35"
source ./xxx/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
First the xterm: grep XTerm ~/.Xdefaults

XTerm.termName:         xterm-256color
XTerm.vt100.geometry:   140x55
XTerm.vt100.faceName:   Bitstream Vera Sans Mono
XTerm.vt100.faceSize:   9
XTerm.vt100.saveLines:  2048
XTerm.vt100.background: #161616
XTerm.vt100.foreground: lightgrey
XTerm.vt100.color0:     #000000
XTerm.vt100.color8:     #666666
XTerm.vt100.color1:     #8c110a
XTerm.vt100.color9:     #ed736b
XTerm.vt100.color2:     #3d8c0a
XTerm.vt100.color10:    #9ded6b
XTerm.vt100.color3:     #8d8d0a
XTerm.vt100.color11:    #eded6b
XTerm.vt100.color4:     #0a4b8c
XTerm.vt100.color12:    #6baced
XTerm.vt100.color5:     #8c0a74
XTerm.vt100.color13:    #ed6bd5
XTerm.vt100.color6:     #0a8c8b
XTerm.vt100.color14:    #73fffe
XTerm.vt100.color7:     #cccccc
XTerm.vt100.color15:    #ffffff

And the prompt (tcsh): grep prompt ~/.cshrc

set prompt = "%{\033[1;38;2;255;255;255;48;2;0;90;160m%}%N@%m%{\033[22m%} %~> %{\033[0m%} "

The "38;2;R;G;B" is the foreground, and "48;2;R;G;B" the background color; Root accounts always get a red color space background on my computers, while the foreground differs from machine to machine.
Right now I use xterm as my main terminal, color settings are almost all in Xresources.
I've removed all settings except the color ones.

xterm*background: #111111
xterm*foreground: #888888
xterm*pointerColor: #6EBB97

*.foreground:  #888888
*.background:  #0e0e0e
*.cursorColor: #AD5757
*.color0:      #000000
*.color8:      #666666
*.color1:      #cd3131
*.color9:      #f14c4c
*.color2:      #0dbc79
*.color10:     #23d18b
*.color3:      #e5e510
*.color11:     #f5f543
*.color4:      #2472c8
*.color12:     #3b8eea
*.color5:      #bc3fbc
*.color13:     #d670d6
*.color6:      #11a8cd
*.color14:     #29b8db
*.color7:      #e5e5e5
*.color15:     #e5e5e5
*.colorBD:     #ffffff

PROMPT="%F{red}%~%f %F{red}%"$":%b%f "

Yes the prompt is red for the normal user because I make a color theme "special BSD" for fun. I saw a section in the forum where people post a picture of their desktop I'll post mine where it'll be ready. But ... be prepared folks because you really have to be in love with the red color :)
Other than that there is nothing special but as you may already know it takes time to make something that suit your eyes.