Hello again.
"Unfortunately" it seems that I'm the perfect bugs / problem collector of the world. I'm trying to upgrade 14.1-RELEASE to 14.2-RELEASE using the freebsd-update script,but :
"Unfortunately" it seems that I'm the perfect bugs / problem collector of the world. I'm trying to upgrade 14.1-RELEASE to 14.2-RELEASE using the freebsd-update script,but :
==> rm -rf /var/db/freebsd-update/*
==> freebsd-update upgrade -r 14.2
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
Fetching public key from update1.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata signature for 14.1-RELEASE from update1.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 2 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... done.
The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic kernel/generic-dbg src/src world/base world/base-dbg
world/lib32 world/lib32-dbg
The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y
Fetching metadata signature for 14.2-RELEASE from update1.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching metadata index... done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 1 metadata files... done.
Inspecting system... sha256: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/llvm-objdump.debug: Input/output error
sha256: ///var/db/locate.database: Input/output error
Fetching files from 14.1-RELEASE for merging... done.
Preparing to download files... cp: ///usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/llvm-objdump.debug: Input/output error
File changed while FreeBSD Update running: /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/llvm-objdump.debug