Solved script started on loading but can't understand how

Some times ago I wrote a script boroda.csh:
#! /bin/csh
/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -a /dev/dsp1.0 --loop -1 /usr/home/ishayahu/boroda/* &
and somehow scheduled it to be run at startup. And I can't understand how
I can't find it in cron,
root@012-music:/home/ishayahu # crontab -l
crontab: no crontab for root
root@012-music:/home/ishayahu # grep -rw '/etc/' -e 'boroda'
root@012-music:/home/ishayahu # grep -rw '/usr/local/' -e 'boroda'
root@012-music:/home/ishayahu #
But at every system startup I see it running:
root@012-music:/home/ishayahu # ps -ax
 823  -  S      13:10.64 /usr/local/bin/mpg123 -a /dev/dsp1.0 --loop -1 /usr/home/ishayahu/boroda/Vivaldi.mp3
somehow scheduled it to be run at startup.

Does "startup" mean on boot, or on log in?

If the former you may have written a service (check /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ or /etc/rc.d/)

If the latter, take a look in your users .profile, .login* and any shell/xorg rc files

I suppose you could also look at doing something like the following, too:

grep -R 'boroda.csh' /

This would grep every file for your script name, probably giving you a lot of errors but possibly resulting in an answer.
One simple way to narrow things down, look at the output from ps -aux (note the -u option). That will show the user account from where it was started from.
One simple way to narrow things down, look at the output from ps -aux (note the -u option). That will show the user account from where it was started from.
Thank you very much! I have already seen this cron several times, but each time @reboot at its beginning was perceived not as part of the cron output, but as a shell prompt.
Thanks again