Raspberry Pi 4 Display cropped

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running FreeBSD14.1 STABLE connected to a Samsung TV with a HDMI cable.
However the display --even when I am in terminal-- crops out the edges of the screen (I can only see the X's part of the screen but the terminal exists out to the O's)

I tried installing xfce4 to see if that would let me adjust the resolution or display but it does not.
Here is the output of xrandr.
Screen 0: minimum 592 x 448, current 592 x 448, maximum 592 x 448
default connected 592x448+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   592x448        0.00*

I have tried connecting this raspberry pi 4 with FreeBSD to other TVs and monitors and they also show a cropped display.

Thanks for any help.
owever the display --even when I am in terminal-- crops out the edges of the screen (I can only see the X's part of the screen but the terminal exists out to the O's)
TVs often turn on overscan, even if you give it the "proper" resolution. It made sense in the analog signal era but with today's digital signals it's super annoying.

Turn on "Fit to screen" in the picture settings on your TV.