Question about getting battle net to work in freebsd.

I have used linux since 2008 and was really wanting to try out freebsd due to the wonderful documentation. For the most part freebsd does everything that I need it to do but the only thing that has me slightly worried is I still play world of warcraft classic (windows game). In linux it requires me to use a version of wine found in GitHub under the user called GloriousEggroll and the repo called proton-ge-custom (version 9.23) and lutris. Has anyone had luck getting this proton version to work in freebsd or found another way to make work correctly? I found the linux emulation section in the handbook but I am not sure how well this performs due to it being an emulation on top of the normal translation that wine does. Any help on this would be amazing.
I really hope I posted this in the right place. I just found there is another part of the forum for games. I wasn't sure since it kind of falls between both of them.
I really hope I posted this in the right place. I just found there is another part of the forum for games. I wasn't sure since it kind of falls between both of them.
The right thread for gaming would be Multimedia/Gaming, I think.

You can get wine or wine-proton in fresh ports.
If you want wine-proton-GE, you could see if you can get glorious eggroll patches (excluding the linux ones) into Wine-Proton, and then build the port.
I would suggest trying wine-proton out first.
I am wondering if anyone currently has a working battle net install in FreeBSD. I know Linux requires proton-ge to work but ge is heavily modified for Linux. I am really wanting to try FreeBSD but I want to verify this one thing first.
I am wondering if anyone currently has a working battle net install in FreeBSD. didn't work for me on 14.2-R-p2 with Wine from pkg and 64-bit prefix last night (it installs but the first-time log-in window still has a flood of Wine debugger crashing since around 2023).

With that crashing though in the past I was able to continue without log-in and update games fine. WoW and D3 allowed log-in from in-game main menus.
The WOW64 issues is what was keeping me from gaming on FreeBSD for years. Idk if that has been fixed yet, but I think it has.

As for I have found it works just fine with stock Wine in Linux. So I suspect it should work fine. PlayOnBSD might be a good launcher as an alternative for Lutris for you.
For 32-bit games, I recommend creating a full 32-bit chroot (I wouldn't bother with a jail) in FreeBSD and then just installing WINE in that. There is a lot of complexity in WoW64 relying on lots of parts working together and I'm not sure that the nature of open-source caters well for it.

At the very least, it could be a good temporary measure until WINE's WoW64 does become more mature. Obviously if the game is mixed 32-bit/64-bit which some installers, launchers are, then that makes things a bit more tricky!
For 32-bit games, I recommend creating a full 32-bit chroot (I wouldn't bother with a jail) in FreeBSD and then just installing WINE in that. There is a lot of complexity in WoW64 relying on lots of parts working together and I'm not sure that the nature of open-source caters well for it.

At the very least, it could be a good temporary measure until WINE's WoW64 does become more mature. Obviously if the game is mixed 32-bit/64-bit which some installers, launchers are, then that makes things a bit more tricky!
I'm pretty sure the previous poster is referring to World of Warcraft, rather than the Wine's WoW64 implementation (which works just fine).
I'm pretty sure the previous poster is referring to World of Warcraft, rather than the Wine's WoW64 implementation (which works just fine).
Yep, this convo is referring to two types of WoW (It was going to happen eventually! ;)

If I recall though, WoW (the game) is 32-bit. So requires WoW64 (the translator) to run on 64-bit Windows/WINE.