Solved Problem installing pkg


I just installed FreeBSD 11.1 RELEASE on my computer but currently I am having issues installing pkg

When I tried to install pkg, I have:
pkg: Error fetching Not Found

I tried to use ping to check the network and it seems to work fine.

Am I using the correct package site? Am I doing something wrong?

What happens if you try to use fetch with this URL manually? The URL is correct, the file also exists, so I'm tempted to blame the problem on DNS. What happens if you try to use ping for example (on that same machine)?

Also, how are you trying to install PKG? You basically have 2 options: if you start pkg while it hasn't been installed yet then this can trigger the bootstrap which will download and install a binary package. The other option is to install the port ports-mgmt/pkg manually.

I just installed FreeBSD 11.1 RELEASE on my computer but currently I am having issues installing pkg

When I tried to install pkg, I have:
pkg: Error fetching Not Found

I tried to use ping to check the network and it seems to work fine.

Am I using the correct package site? Am I doing something wrong?

That URL doesn't seem correct to me; at least it should be not, and the archive name pkg-1.10.4.txz. So I'm guessing you're using the wrong packagesite, that for the latest repo is (Remember to override pkg's defaults in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf).
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Strange, indeed.

Can you try with
pkg-static install pkg

Or additionally, please try to get full package name from repository
pkg-static search pkg

and copy its full name pkg-<version>.txz to start installation.

Thanks for replying! Turns out I was using university's ethernet service and they apparently gave some restrictions.
Anyway it works fine now and thanks for the suggestions.
…Remember to override pkg's defaults in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repo/FreeBSD.conf)

NB: According to /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf, the file to be customized is: /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf. Note the repos instead of just repo.