There are the
man poudriere
EDIT: BTW, Cinnamon is know to be broken and probably will not be fixed any time soon since there is very little interest for it among FreeBSD users, and it seem to be quite tied with Gnome3 what is a pain because it is close tied with the "glorious" Linux
SystemD crap.
EDIT_2: you can have look in
Oh? I thought its lightweightness/modularity and the fact that it seems clean would've made it a top choice among FreeBSD users...
There's many screenshots of really nice-looking DEs based on FreeBSD out there, some use Gnome and Compiz, but then, again, I'm not super familiar with X, the various components of a DE, Free(/Open?)Desktop, and there's also Wayland coming that makes it kinda uninteresting to really learn too much about any of that stuff because it's all probably going to be severely updated/different when X is replaced...
I'm using KDE right now, and it's nice and fast, especially considering how many visual effects are involved, but I'm kinda disappointed at its own configuration applets, and overall integration within itself (how well all the components are composed into a unitary DE)... I think it's not quite as polished as I would've hoped... My point was, though, that even if KDE works fine and is nicely customizable and all, I'm still curious what other DEs have to offer... Cinnamon felt like it had potential, the little I managed to make it run.
XFCE used to be my DE of choice, but times have changed... Enlightenment is nice, but lacks in actual usability... it's a bit too much "in a world of its own", as some people describe it... Gnome is ... did I try Gnome 3? I'm not sure if I tried it, and it was too slow, or what... I just remember I didn't like it, and understood why Cinnamon had forked from Gnome 2...
I could build Cinnamon, but when trying to launch it, there was that problem where it goes into failsafe, and enters a loop where it asks to reload... On the terminal from which X is launched, you can see Cinnamon going through the themes directory, parsing the themes it, itself, installed, but not finding what it's looking for in the folders, somehow... I was hoping building it with Poudriere would help, and trying to do so, it was asking me to set the options for several ports I was sure having configured and built for Firefox, and when it asked me to configure LLVM4 (which took maybe 5 hours to compile on its own), I was like "hm, something's not right..." and I came to ask...