Postgresql client update issue

I currently run a old school blog with PG <-> PHP <-> Apache nothing very fancy all without jails (which I think is what bytes me).

I currently have :
root@debellum:~ # pkg info |grep pg
pgbadger-12.4 Very competent log analyzer for PostgreSQL
php82-pdo_pgsql-8.2.21 The pdo_pgsql shared extension for php
php82-pgsql-8.2.21 The pgsql shared extension for php
root@debellum:~ # pkg info | grep postgr
postgresql15-client-15.8 PostgreSQL database (client)
postgresql15-server-15.8 PostgreSQL is the most advanced open-source database available anywhere

When I pkg update :
root@debellum:~ # pkg upgrade
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (21 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (21 candidates): 100%
The following 22 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
postgresql16-client: 16.4

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
bash: 5.2.26_1 -> 5.2.37
beats8: 8.8.2_9 -> 8.14.3_1
crowdsec: 1.6.2_2 -> 1.6.3_1
crowdsec-firewall-bouncer: 0.0.28_9 -> 0.0.29
htop: 3.3.0_2 -> 3.3.0_5
libedit: 3.1.20240517,1 -> 3.1.20240808,1
php82-dom: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-filter: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-gd: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-gmp: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-iconv: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-mbstring: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-pdo_pgsql: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-pgsql: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-session: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-simplexml: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
php82-zlib: 8.2.21 -> 8.2.24
python311: 3.11.9 -> 3.11.10
python39: 3.9.19 -> 3.9.20
tor: ->

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
apache24-2.4.62 (options changed)

I'll get complaints about
[1/2] Installing postgresql16-client-16.4...
pkg: postgresql16-client-16.4 conflicts with postgresql15-client-15.8 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/clusterdb

I think one of the php packages is requiring that, but there is not update available for pg server.

Is there a way to solve this?

I'm running
14.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p5 GENERIC amd64
I did.
root@debellum:~ # pkg info -r postgresql15-client
You need to upgrade to


Then reinstall


  AFFECTS: users of databases/postgresql* and other software using PostgreSQL to run

  The default version of PostgreSQL has been switched from 15 to 16.
  The upgrade procedure can use up twice the space the databases
  currently needs. If you have a big amount of stored data take a
  closer look at the manpage of pg_upgrade for avoidance and/or
  speedup of the upgrade.

  The upgrade instructions consider a basic usage and do not match
  complex scenarios like replication, sharding, or similar.

  Upgrade instructions:

  First stop your PostgreSQL, create PostgreSQL-binaries and backup your data.
  If you have another Version of PostgreSQL installed, for example 15, your
  files are named according to this.

  # service postgresql stop
  # pkg create postgresql15-server postgresql15-contrib
  # mkdir /tmp/pg-upgrade
  # tar xf postgresql15-server-15.7.pkg -C /tmp/pg-upgrade
  # tar xf postgresql15-contrib-15.7.pkg -C /tmp/pg-upgrade
  # pkg delete -f databases/postgresql15-server databases/postgresql15-contrib databases/postgresql15-client

  Now update PostgreSQL:

    pkg user:
    # pkg install databases/postgresql16-server databases/postgresql16-contrib
    # pkg upgrade

    Portmaster users:
    # portmaster databases/postgresql16-server databases/postgresql16-contrib
    # portmaster -a

    Portupgrade users:
    # portinstall databases/postgresql16-server databases/postgresql16-contrib
    # portupgrade -a

  After installing the new PostgreSQL version you need to convert
  all your databases to new version:

  # su -l postgres -c "/usr/local/bin/initdb --encoding=utf-8 --lc-collate=C -D /var/db/postgres/data16 -U postgres"
  # su -l postgres -c "pg_upgrade -b /tmp/pg-upgrade/usr/local/bin/ -d /var/db/postgres/data15/ -B /usr/local/bin/ -D /var/db/postgres/data16/ -U postgres "

  Now the migration is finished. You can start PostgreSQL again with:

  # service postgresql start

  1) If you use non-default initdb options, you have to adjust the initdb-command accordingly