pkg give 5 package up-gradable but only upgrade 2

Hi everyone,

Each time I'm doing pkg upgrade I have 3 packages that don't upgrade. How do I know which ones they are and should I upgrade them?? what is the reason for them being hidden? thanks.

Checking for upgrades (5 candidates): 100%
Processing candidates (5 candidates): 100%
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
        firefox: 135.0_2,2 -> 135.0.1,2
        pftop: 0.10_1 -> 0.11

Number of packages to be upgraded: 2

FreeBSD 14.2
It has 5 candidates, and it found there's 3 that probably don't need updating (because they're the same version for example).

Some useful commands: pkg version -vRL= and pkg lock -l.
I'm also seeing this recently. pkg upgrade is not upgrading certain packages with available updates. When this happens, I need to do pkg upgrade <packagename> to complete the operation.